PS4/Xbox One Versions Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Platform: Xbox One
Mode: Career
Match Type: All
Over Count:N/A
Ground: N/A
Teams: N/A
Get Best: N/A
Description of Issue: When I'm batting I'm finding that I'm getting out caught off shots that I didn't input into the controller. For example I have gone to play a lofted shot down to the third man area, but the game for some reason makes me play a lofted cover drive or square cut in front of square, the opposite has also occured (i.e. I've intended to play the lofted cover drive and its decided to play a shot to third man). Same thing happens on the leg side too, where I'll go to play a shot over mid wicket and the game decides all on its own to make me play a shot to fine leg. I don't understand why its doing it, but its getting annoying.
What camera angle are you using and have you selected invert controls setting?[DOUBLEPOST=1424046159][/DOUBLEPOST]
Downloaded don bradman cricket on release not once have I played it because it keeps kicking me back to the home screen. Anyone else having this problem?
Please use the correct format to report the bugs.
I posted this bug in the discussion group but thought I should post it here too just in case. If I'm wrong in that just delete it.

Platform: PS4
Mode: Career
Match Type: 4 Day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred):
Ground: Can't remember
Teams: Kent (me) v Lancashire
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: This was my very first match. It was nearing the end of Lancs first innings where Kent was offered the new ball. I was bowling and kept getting the option to take the new ball by pressing R2. It would not accept me taking it. I have been informed you have to be captain which I'm not. The trouble is to make the message go away you press x and that starts your bowling which at first is unexpected.
Platform: PS4
Mode: one day
Over Count 50
Teams: West Indies vs My created team

Last ball over the over and Gayle edge to wicket keeper and was out…umpire raised the finger too, then skipped the celebration’s and went straight to next over and saw he was still batting and the wicket had not fallen and the bowler had taken one before so should of shown 2 but still 1 wicket taken. Was not happy as he went on to score 150! :(
Platform: Xbox One
Mode: Career
Match Type: fc
Over Count:N/A
Ground: N/A
Teams: N/A
Get Best: N/A
Description of Issue

not a big deal but during fc matches after a session breal the score resets to 0/0 for a delivery or two before showing the correct score.
Not sure if this has been reported before, or if its even a bug. But when i try and play with a guest profile, im not able to use the teams my main profile downloaded from the acadamy. Nor am i able to use my custom fields with the guest profile during a match.
Guys, when you're reporting a bug on PS4, please grab the video and share it with us. Some bugs are really hard to repro and a video will assist us a lot, unless you have the STR.
Guys, when you're reporting a bug on PS4, please grab the video and share it with us. Some bugs are really hard to repro and a video will assist us a lot, unless you have the STR.
Can't really reproduce my but on a video, I'll have to play a brand new career and hope I get offered the new ball mind you saying that I did start a new career but I wasn't offered it.
Just thought I would mention this.......There is a problem with the PS4 software update, and it affected my log in to the game.....

So if someone is having problems with that, it is most probably the PS4 software update that is causing the problem, and not DBC14.

When I get this sorted, I will update the issue here.
Platform: Xbox One
Mode: Casual
Match Type: T20
Over Count:N/A
Ground: Sydney
Teams: N/A
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Hit a 4 straight down the ground into the sidescreen. The CPU fielder would not retrieve the ball. I could just keep running. Had to end the game as could not progress any further. Also still suffering the framerate/lag issues right when the bowler bowls (when batting or bowling). Again only noticing it happening at grounds with lots of spectators/crowds in field of view using close behind camera.
Just thought I would mention this.......There is a problem with the PS4 software update, and it affected my log in to the game.....

So if someone is having problems with that, it is most probably the PS4 software update that is causing the problem, and not DBC14.

When I get this sorted, I will update the issue here.
It's working for me.
Platform: ps4
Mode: tournament
Match Type: 50 over
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred):28.5
Teams:New Zealand v England
Get Best:
Description of Issue:
Finn bowling had r Taylor caught by wicket keeper and given out by umpire but nothing changed , he carried on battering !
Platform: ps4
Mode: tournament
Match Type: 50 over
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred):28.5
Teams:New Zealand v England
Get Best:
Description of Issue:
Finn bowling had r Taylor caught by wicket keeper and given out by umpire but nothing changed , he carried on battering !

Happened to me yesterday with Gayle, who went on to score 150 plus happened again today, its always caught behind and they go up for it and is given out by umpire but then skips to next bowl and same batsmen still there. :(
Happened to me yesterday with Gayle, who went on to score 150 plus happened again today, its always caught behind and they go up for it and is given out by umpire but then skips to next bowl and same batsmen still there. :(

This is a known issue on pc aswell i think you just have to delay your appeal abit longer and it will work. :)
This is a known issue on pc aswell i think you just have to delay your appeal abit longer and it will work. :)

This bug has been around for a while now and should have been fixed on the next gen consoles at least. Hopefully it will be addressed in Patch 3.

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