Purchasing IC10 Online

where are you from???

im from germany and i had to buy my cricket equipment from all over the world i.e india, australia,britain and it always worked out quite good. for example a cricket bat from india within 2 days, thats world record i guess :-)
Im a aus mate.
I understand that some people from germany, usa, india
and the rest. But not in aus.
But like i said its because they will sell more at the end
of the year than now. Its silly because aus made the
game but codemasters is in the uk.
Yup they deliver internationally.

In terms of Pre-Order, all you do is log into your account, then go find International Cricket 2010, click the pre-order box, hey presto all done.

Can anyone confirm a successful and on time delivery of game/dvd to US/Canada via Shipto? I have used gameplay, dvd.co.uk and cd-wow in the past and went with HMV as it's a well known (relatively) name. Not sure about Shipto unless someone can confirm from North America.
I was looking on a aus release dates for 2010.
And ic2010 has been added for aus.
But like i said its dec for the bloody ashes.
I hope its wrong but i think its going to be
on codemasters site in the next 2 weeks.
In the end, we better get a super version of
the game, with lots of improvements.
Plus i think codemasters will release it again
in the uk for xmas, very smart by codemasters.:crying
For HMV, can i pre order it online and collect it on store?
or if i go to the shop and pre order it will they do it for ?25?
ShopTo.net are doing it for the princely sum of 24.85 pounds sterling. Had a fair few games from them and preorders tend to be through the letterbox at least 2 days before it's in the shops. Class.
ShopTo.Net: International Cricket 2010 360 & PS3

hi have not used these before do they tend to deliver early as i am going on a stag party thurs to sunday so hoping to get it early :hpraise
Is there any difference in formats between Australia ans UK? I mean if i pre order my game from UK, I shouldnt have any issue in playing it on my xbox in Australia. I am sure there will be a answer to this in this thread but if someone can confirm this. Thanks.
its the PAL version, as long as you own a PAL xbox (and not NTSC) its gonna work even on your xbox down under ;-)
its the PAL version, as long as you own a PAL xbox (and not NTSC) its gonna work even on your xbox down under ;-)

Thanks mate...I think i have got a PAL version, I guess all xbox sold in Australia are PAL. Anyway i will check when i get home.
^Y don't u borrow Ashes 09 from a friend or something and see if that runs on your box?
^Y don't u borrow Ashes 09 from a friend or something and see if that runs on your box?

Mate I already have Ashes 09. what i was trying to say was that i bought Ashes 09 from Australia so there was no problem in formats etc.....but this time i will need to pre order from UK as ic 2010 wont be available in Australia....So i was just wondering if Australia and Uk use different Format etc. But now i know UK uses PAL so i should be alright.
Mate I already have Ashes 09. what i was trying to say was that i bought Ashes 09 from Australia so there was no problem in formats etc.....but this time i will need to pre order from UK as ic 2010 wont be available in Australia....So i was just wondering if Australia and Uk use different Format etc. But now i know UK uses PAL so i should be alright.

Yes I ordered the UK game from hmv.com, which is PAL and therefore compatible with the Australian format.

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