Rahul's Face Thread

Welcome, but 1 problem i tried to import my face in asian faces in evry single like face 7a 7b lik that but not working sam error any suggestion
sorry...i forgot to convert it to indexed color..heres the fixed 1....shud work now!!


  • vibs.zip
    28.7 KB · Views: 7
no probs...here are some indian face updates...
pathan...yuvraj and rahul dravid.... cameron white from australia.....also 2 sri lankan faces!! i'm going out of town....will be back on sunday...will release them then....loads of stuff to release!! comments plzzz on these faces......


  • india face preview 1.jpg
    india face preview 1.jpg
    34.8 KB · Views: 102
  • yuvraj white face preview.jpg
    yuvraj white face preview.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 99
  • sri lanka face preview 7.jpg
    sri lanka face preview 7.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 94

Rahul can you please make my face so i can put it in my game? please please please.... These are the Pictures. If you think these pictures will not fit or any other problem please tell me because I have some more better pictures. Thank You
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these pics wont do....if u can get a close in pic of your face but stright not looking up but stright that'll be better...and try to avoid having any lights on behind u...have a light behind the camera then the pic will come out good!!
Hey Rahul wassup!!! i just want to know wat program u use to make faces can u tell me plzz i kno half of the think lik cut and paste and all then dragging ears and all. So can u tell me wat program use plzzzzzz.

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