Rahul's Face Thread

chaminda vaas and kaluwitherana


  • sri lanka preview 6.jpg
    sri lanka preview 6.jpg
    40.8 KB · Views: 129
hey guys i'm back...exam finally over...went off well.....got my result as well!!!

so back to facemaking......i'll finish the sri lankan 1s in the coming days and also make a australia vss india test series face in gi format which u can import into the game with 1 click...will also provide the roster.pak with all the face numbers correct as well!!!
Rahul can u make Pathan faces cause the first it looks very weired his nose and all so can u make a better versions of pathan faces
yup....sure..i'll try to make a better 1 asap!!
Rahul if u don't mind can u make my face so i can put my face in my game plzz Thank uuuu here's my face
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here u go vibs....lemme know how this looks ingame...hope u like it!!


  • vibs.png
    11.1 KB · Views: 74
  • vibs.zip
    63.9 KB · Views: 12
Well i got an error while installing my face :help :help i don't wats the problem maybe u try to install my face in ur graphics importer and see if u got an error lik these 1 below


  • Clipboard.jpg
    10.8 KB · Views: 61
vibs it happen to me too.......... ok save your picture and open your graphic importer go to asian faces click on the face that you want to replace your own ok buddy
thank you vibs yeah i was banned but thanx to zimrahil he let me in agian will but thank you man stay safe

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