arjwiz I can understand if someone is not in a position to play a match for few days, but if a manager does not even have a minute time to come online and respond and reply in PC forum (forget about being regular in the Forum), regarding playing schedule and other general game related queries, then there is something seriously very wrong with this online concept. We need to be a bit strict with people who are not serious about playing or someone who is so busy that he cannot come to this forum for continuous days (as we all other managers are doing, and even we are all busy with our daily life).
Just for example, if Ishaan comes online only after 13th or 14th June, and expect me to play 205 overs in 02/03 days, I might not have time to play at that time.
I thought before we agreed to play in this league, we have confirmed our commitment to be here in this forum and discuss things about the schedule and other stuff among ourselves. I am perfectly fine if someone has any urgent work and he cannot play for few days or even for few weeks in a stretch (As Playing Video Game cannot be a Priority), but at least inform others in this forum about your availability in advance so that we can plan ahead.
I hope ishaan & azad are OK & doing fine, and they will respond soon enough, or else this is not as much fun if we loose managers like this, specially after they have participated in the auction process with so much energy.