Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

wealey88 have you got the game as well now? Which format?

On the ps3 mate,,, loving every min!

Sure some bugs... bowling paces etc... but it evens it self out anderson is slow... but so is kallis etc!

wealey88 added 0 Minutes and 41 Seconds later...

18 overs
Australia 60/5 Harmmy got 5 wickets and lords is going mad
Haddin and johnson in now

big repair job needed or the second test could be gone!!
On the ps3 mate,,, loving every min!

Sure some bugs... bowling paces etc... but it evens it self out anderson is slow... but so is kallis etc!

wealey88 added 0 Minutes and 41 Seconds later...

big repair job needed or the second test could be gone!!

yep got to take harmmy of now :noway
bowling speed dont really annoy me lol :D
Bring on Colly at the other end?

haha :D

Could you post some info on customisation when you are done.

Good luck thrashing the aussie's :banana2
Im not going to Lie bowling does really annoy me and Im quite angry New Zealand bowlers are bowling like 70 max
What kind of scores you getting? Similar to mine?

Yer mate pretty much!!

Had a good one dayer AI chased down 230 odd in 49.1 overs! got to shoot guys will be back on in half hour or so! Spraggy keep going with th onslaught lol!:happy
There's a press embargo on reviews until 10am tomorrow.

I'm genuinely amazed at some of your edges guys. I'll reveal more in the morning.

Fair enough Sureshot, I'll look foward to your review in the morning it will give me something to look foward to at work.
Im not going to Lie bowling does really annoy me and Im quite angry New Zealand bowlers are bowling like 70 max

yea me too simply because no one will ever want to play with the Kiwis online.

I really hope the online community does not die out after a month
25 overs gone
Australia 75/5
broad and collingwood doing well coming close alot :D
Drop haddin at cover :facepalm
yes im using collingwood :D
Well ill be getting this friday, will be playing online and offline till end of august cause then batman will be in my ps3 mostly but im sure ill play online depending on the activeness or if my mate want to give me a match.
Indeed! Completely agree. Amidst its flaws, this game IS seemingly more entertaining than its predecessors as well as the EA offerings. And this is the reason most people including me wont/cant reject it as easily as (I guess)
Blic07 was.
It doesnt even require a heck lot of gameplay change patches unlike ea07. I although do hope that run-out bug and the loopy edges problem get solved by our ol' trusty modders community.

I don't think the community can do anything about the edges/run outs.

Wow transmission, u need to realise that you will never please some of these guys!
Your first attempt and already one of the better cricket games!
But really people expected perfection!
If you read this thread your never go and buy it.Please people take the positives try your best to enjoy rather than moan, constructive critism!

After all its as GAME, and im sure efforts will be made into the next one to improve maybe even a patch for this. But slag them off be completely negative and they may just drop it all together!

Simple fact is some people in this thread will NEVER ever be happy! untill they have a virtual simulator!!

Come on guys im with you there are bugs and faults but also positives in this game that no other game has had!!

I heard somebody moan about the 3rd umpire 4 times! BOTHERED!! if it out its out if not its not... the red and green light do not change the game that much!!!

Correct. All these things are cosmetic polish that Transmission will add, I'm sure. It's obvious that Transmission's primary objective was to get good, solid core gameplay, but they have still put a lot of love into the attention to detail in this game.

Your sounding like a bit of a fanboy there!:p

listen, the game has good points and is a great 1st effort BUT the really poor bugs should have been taken out, thats just poor testing/implementation.

I agree that some peoples 'bugs' are just too picky

Yes, but things like Anderson bowling at 75mph are not acceptable. Easily fixed though, I'd imagine.

i have not moaned though! just listened and asked question about others experiences!

I agree there are faults and my comments were not aimed at you tbh!

Just some people would moan if someone shoe laces were incorrect.. im sure you know what i mean!

Neither have I.

It lasted 4 days and 1 and abit sessions :D


yep these doubters want the game to be perfect which will never happen until somthing like ps5 comes out lol

56/2 15.4 overs
ponting caught at slip :D by harmmy he is on fire

Even when the PS5 is out, I don't think we'll see a completely realistic cricket game. This is a game where the millimetres between bat and ball can make a world of difference. I don't think you'll ever see that simulated with complete authenticity, not for many, many years.

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Has anyone got it on PC yet, or at least a notice that it's been dispatched? We're feeling left out here! :)
Can you still Bat one innings with one team and at the end of the innings change teams and bat with the second team?

That's all I do with cricket games is bat. xD
man the fact that edges are carrying behind the stumps properly off pacers has already made my day! thankyou for revealing them guys.

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