Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

Absolute gold alioz. I called up that JB store in the city again and asked for "software" instead of "games" this time. I said "I was told that you've received your copies of Ashes Cricket 2009 on the PC" to which he said "I don't know who keeps telling people this but it's not true" and he hung up.


just post their number, everyone who has skype keep calling and asking them that question. They might just cave in !
Absolute gold alioz. I called up that JB store in the city again and asked for "software" instead of "games" this time. I said "I was told that you've received your copies of Ashes Cricket 2009 on the PC" to which he said "I don't know who keeps telling people this but it's not true" and he hung up.


hahahahah.....i am not kidding i did call them and they said they have gotthe
boxes. thats funny :D
Bad news: got a call back from the Prahan shop and he said that it was very unlikely that they'd get it in today. They were expecting it but the suppliers just didn't deliver :( He said maybe tomorrow. It seems to be the only JB store unaware of the 13th of August release date.

Keep calling the city store (03) 9670 3611 though for a laugh!
hahahahah.....i am not kidding i did call them and they said they have gotthe
boxes. thats funny :D

whiteninness might have got to the Manager.. lolz.. looks like someone is trouble today at the store.. :D
just had a bowl as england against the aussies all in all not too bad apart from getting spanked, hussey scored 152, 2 dodgy run outs, biggest gripe so far apart from speeds which im about to rectify is that i kept getting no balled for chest high bouncers even when they were getting bat on ball.
Faces are shocking, just dont get it to be honest, how can there be youngsters on pc making quality faces for games yet there are designers working for codies getting paid a fat wedge to produce absolute toss!!!
Besides this so far so good
"I've already mentioned it but you can't edit the Australia or England in customisation, so Anderson, Broad and House will always be trundlers in the console version and you can't add yourself or other created players into those sides."


We can't add ourselves to the Ashes teams and play with a created player in the Ashes???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Can we confirm this as it would be horrific... :doh
just like 2 say brilliant job codies best cricket game yet by a mile got it about 10 this morning and decided to play an ODI before i get into the ashes lost the toss and was sent into the field started of well but then got smashed around the park south africa ended up being 280 all out from 35 or so overs they would have had a far more realistic run rate but i didnt realise till the 25 over that yellow is the best place to bowl i restricted them to about 5 runs an over after i realised that. i then got bowled over for about 80 runs my sexcuse is that i hadnt played the demo before so this was my first time then after deciding i needed batting practise i decided to play a test match against india i lost the toss but they put me into bat atm im on 5/54 of 17 overs and would be doing alot better but iv been run out 3 times due to the fact i keep pressing the dive button instead of the return to crease button the realism in the game is so good i had ponting cover driving the indians and when he hit about 2-3 cover drives in the space of two overs the indians put 4 men stopping the boundries silly me i tried to play a cover drive through the gap and played to ball to early and got caught the AI was brilliant another thing i noticed was it is alot easier to play spinners when you have a set batsmen i have phillip hughes in the crease who has 20 of about 40 balls and is playing the spinners quite comftably on the other hand i had north who i was triying to get singles but because he was new to the crease he scooped one up in the air another thing is alot of the slip catches are dropping short but its because of the slow and low pitch im playing on because when i was playing the south africans in an ODI i was playing them at the MCG and the edges were carriying quite easily im playing on hard mode right now. its great how you have to keep your concentration in this game.

have you got the pc version ? :)
I Can confirm that you cant edit anyone from aus or eng, as have just tried so now ive got to put up with a harmison who bowls at 70 mph... really not impressed with this transmission would have taken a couple of hours to sort out.
Much as i hate to say it patch needed asap..... either that or i start saving for a new laptop!!!!
Can anyone please tell me that how many players included in a squad? (unlicenced teams)
and if you could please put some images of the each squad. it will definitely be aa big help for guys who haven't got the game yet.

Covvy, a fair few JBs have the PS3 version already. PC and 360 will have to wait until next Thursday :(

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