Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

as soon as someone gets the PC version, could they take screen shots of all the squads.
Nice. PS3 I'm guessing?

I'm trying around Melbourne for the PC version. I've had no luck so far except I'm getting called back from a lady at JB at about 12 who said they are getting in the PC version today. She was very dumb so this may work in my advantage (or just get my hopes up).

Please update us.. I may try my luck at EB Games for 360 version which I've already pre-ordered.. If JB works, then I'll probably buy it from them if EB is too reluctant.. I am sure EB Games will be unhappy in refunding the full amount :D
I sure will. I'm not confident though.

The JBs I've called where I've spoken to someone who knows what he's talking about he's simply said "PS3 is out today, PC and 360 are a week or 2 away".

The one who said PC is out today said that it came out today with PS3 as well and neither were out on the shelf and it'd be after 12 until they knew.

I'm not going to try another EB and tell them that JB broke the street date :p
This thread keeps getting posts day and night. Its amazing its 2am here and still people are posting. Can some1 please post the speed of Indian Fast Bowlers!
Well we are from Australia so it's 11.12am today. I'm sick today and don't have any contact hours at uni.

I wouldn't be surprised if India only had fast-medium bowlers, ie 125 kmph (i think that's about 75 mph?)
I ll be playing at my brothers PS3 tonight after work. :banana2

Will post my 2 cents tomorow. :spy

btw i have xbox 360 so wont be able to play at my place before 13th:mad:
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i got ashes cricket 2009 today quality gameplay ect weird thing is run bug still there but one positive thing is only ocvcasionally sometimes theres never run outs sometimes there is im on 2nd test of ashes series i woulod like to mention my score in 1st test i kno this sounds dumm match finished day 2 morning i know your all thinking wow thats crap its but bear in mind it was my first time and i played very attacking which was stupid of me and was all out 208 my own thought then batted like 81 all out again second inning so they beat my score easy 1-0 down in series but now i stepped it up playing proper test match cricket more defensive only hitting shot i shud hit and i chose to bat first at lords im on 360 by the way i began batting starting very bad i think 53 for 3 but then i began making runs and being more carefull and i save my game with it edging to tea and i was on 168 for 6 and going good but steady many outs were to slip with thin and thick egdes as i was temted by some shots i probably shudent of hit and i miss timed soo but positive it was nearly tea and i was still at the crease which is positive my top scorer was pieterson who is still at crease on 102 not out going good quite steadyily got him there but i did anywayz any questions to do with the game but not involving non licened player and teams
Not exactly the news I was after but apparently JB Hi Fi at Elizabeth street in the Melbourne City Centre is already selling it for XBox and PS3 and was expecting the PC version in today but it hasn't come yet. I'd check it out perhaps. 9670 3611
Not exactly the news I was after but apparently JB Hi Fi at Elizabeth street in the Melbourne City Centre is already selling it for XBox and PS3 and was expecting the PC version in today but it hasn't come yet. I'd check it out perhaps. 9670 3611

You sure they are selling the Xbox 360 one because that's a great news..
The guy seemed confused to be honest but he said they were. I didn't ask too much about it because I want it on PC.

One store said that the PC version is expected today but no store in all of Victoria has a copy.
just unwrapping the lil bugger now (ps3 version) the missus doesnt look too happy bout it!!!

I told mine that I'll be taking next Friday off for the very same reason since Xbox version will be out next Thursday..

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