Review Review for IC 2010 in comparison to AC09

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As I masticate away perhaps you could reiterate your points in a bit more detail.

Did you mean masticate or something else ? Perhaps you could learn to read and point out what (in detail) you disagree with and why. Otherwise, I'll have to assume you can't.
Whose ranting, yours ? Like I said, you have plenty to chew over.

Bubblyjubbly added 2 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Not your approval that's for sure.

I was actually interested in what you were concerend with!
My approval has nowt to do with it!:)
Ha ha!:laugh
If only you knew, if only you knew. Oh but I forgot you know everything!

From your posts one can only conclude that you know nothing or did I miss something ?

Bubblyjubbly added 1 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Coming from you that is rich

Why is that ? Did I call anyone any names ? I am rich btw.
From your posts one can only conclude that you know nothing or did I miss something ?

Now you have really hurt my feelings! Such an educated response. None of your one-liner rubbish from this bloke. He's good!:laugh
I was actually interested in what you were concerend with!
My approval has nowt to do with it!:)

Be interested all you like, I won't be responding to your one-line drivel on this thread or any other.
I am trying not to get personal mate. I can agree with you some what and with everyone else. I am not hurt, you will have to try harder. Just go up to trickstar,codemasters and say this to them. pc has helped to make a good cricket game and the future looks good. I hope they are reading this and put some of ur stuff into it.:spy
Now you have really hurt my feelings! Such an educated response. None of your one-liner rubbish from this bloke. He's good!:laugh

I had to come down to your level. All the best.

Bubblyjubbly added 3 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

I am trying not to get personal mate. I can agree with you some what and with everyone else. I am not hurt, you will have to try harder. Just go up to trickstar,codemasters and say this to them. pc has helped to make a good cricket game and the future looks good. I hope they are reading this and put some of ur stuff into it.:spy

Well don't get personal then, it isn't my choice what you do nor am I trying to hurt you, that would be far too easy. PC has not helped make a good cricket game and simply repeating that line isn't going to make it any better. It's not my job to tell Trickies/Codies anything, they should know better. Every sports game now has a top-quality physics engine, I can't state the obvious to those who should have realised this at the start.
God listen to yourself. I do not care if they sell 10 million or 1 million copies, but if they get a great engine and no preset animations. Yes i no they have preset animations. I have seen it also, i dont thing its as bad as you make out but its there sometimes. Then they will want to make there money back fast. Not trickstar so much but codemasters. They will push hard for that, all bosses do. ps why dont you go to codemasters, trickstar and tell them this and see want they say.:spy

Preset animations are a bad thing when everything else you see is rather more with the times, you might as well put the game on the PS1/PS2 and leave it at that. They'd be making a whole lot more money with a decent game. I really don't think you know much about the interaction between Codies/Trickies, that's just childish speculation.
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With the action cam (batting) I'd like to see a view point that's higher up. Sort of so you're looking through the batsman's head. Surely this is the way to go.

Also they need to sort out which shots are appropriate to which delivery. See way too many backfoot shots of full balls, and frontfoot shots off short deliveries.

The game needs new animations etc.

Also Bubbly, the phrase is 'pea-roll' and not 'pee-roll'
Most of these action adventure, FPS, RPG and other games have NO fan base before release, but often manage to produce something great, cricket at least has a huge fan base and I believe it's complacency from the developers who seem to think that people will buy any cricket game however poor.
Sports games and action/RPG/FPS games fall into two very different buckets from a gaming perspective. To develop and sell a quality RPG/action game, the story line becomes as important as the gameplay. Comparatively, sports games don't really feature as much of a storyline. Personalized player modes (such as the My Player mode in the new generation of 2K Sports' games) are combining the two, somewhat, but the very basis of the genre is different. Therefore, you cannot really compare a sports game to one in the RPG genre.

Compared to other sports games, cricket has definitely been struggling. I was an avid and hopeful fan of cricket games back in the 90's and early 2000's, spending my parents' hard-earned cash on such tripe as CWC 2009 (the original version of which didn't even feature left-handed batsmen). There may be something inherent in the nature of the sport that prevents it from lending itself to hours of gameplay. The emergence of T20 cricket may change this but every since I got my first PSX, I've always preferred the NBA and FIFA offerings to any cricket offering (Cricket 07 is probably the only game I've spent a considerable amount of time playing).

You also underestimate the sheer size and 'potential' spending power of, say, the Indian middle classes, let alone those in other parts of the world.
I think you are over-estimating the spending power of the Indian middle class. There are unfortunately no accurate statistics available that I can find easily online, but going by a few Sony press releases, of the estimated 35.7 million PS3's sold, 30.5 million were accounted for by NA, Europe and Japan (these are of course guesstimates since I haven't found any concrete regional statistics).

With the Xbox360, the numbers are even more pronounced, with an estimated 36 million of 40 million units sold outside Asia (and excluding Japan). Empirically speaking, I've seen a few Xbox360 consoles in India but by and large India is a generation behind (PS2). The general gaming population sticks to PCs which are cheaper when you account for the fact that they can be used for non-gaming purposes as well.

Finally, even if theoretically the middle class was interested and could afford to purchase current-generation consoles, there is the fact that the network infrastructure is lacking to provide a real online experience, which you were concerned about in your opening post.

You forget that many English cricketers went to India to the IPL for one reason - MONEY.
The money is not coming from the middle class, it's coming from corporates/rich individuals and advertising. All the IPL franchises are owned by individuals that are in the upper class of society. Most of the money invested is made back, I would imagine, via endorsements and advertising. The only real avenues for the public to spend money on the IPL is through match tickets and merchandise. I have no idea how much money they make off that. The thing to understand here, though, is that the money that IPL brings in is not because the middle class is growing and earning a larger disposable income. It is because cricket is lucrative simply because it is the only sport India plays on a world-level. Since there are so many people, you don't need to sell as much per capita.

there. Even if the middle class of India constitutes only 20% of the population, that's over 200 million people straight away. Why not use programmers in India, they are cheap and there are plenty of them, is Bangalore not one of the major IT hubs of the world ?
A cheap programmer is not a good programmer. You can't create a good game just by constructing an army of cheap programmers. Besides that, you'd either be looking at a start-up or an MNC (such as EA) stepping into ask a studio to develop the game. A start-up wouldn't succeed because they wouldn't be able to get enough capital to get started because a cricket game simply isn't a sound investment. With respect to an MNC, I believe an Indian studio (Trine Games) is responsible for developing EA's next offering.
Did you mean masticate or something else ? Perhaps you could learn to read and point out what (in detail) you disagree with and why. Otherwise, I'll have to assume you can't.

For someone who is pretending to avoid personal insults you're not doing a very good job. Every time you toss one out it makes it look like you think you're back in the playground. Grow up.

IT IS A PATCHED ASHES CRICKET 2009, only it is a BAD patch. The main issues are as follows:

1) Correct me if I am wrong, but there still won't be voice/video chat - a year later they seem unable to add that when even some cheapy PSN have it - and this is in a game for which this option, especially for test matches, is an absolute neccessity.

Already addressed.

2) The gameplay is just as buggy and surprisingly stuttery (FAR WORSE THAN AC09), you still see the ball going past a fielder for it to suddenly reverse and go back in his hands. However, when batting and bowling, the ball often 'jumps and skips' forward and the frame rate suddenly drops or increases or freezes momentarily, and full length balls often suddenly skip into beamers - its a joke, and it gets worse the better you are at the game, it's as if the AI resorts to 'cheating' to make the ball do things that are impossible i.e. the ball teleporting forward. Who knows what will happen online if it is this bad online ?

Haven't played extensively but haven't noticed this.

3) The crowds, pitches and camera movements are identical to AC09.

That's cosmetic and hardly counts as getting worse.

4) The movements of the players, bowlers and batsman, seem even less responsive and more jerky than those of AC09.

Don't agree. Rather than make me prove a negative perhaps you could provide two gameplay videos of both games for comparison.

5) 'Action Cam', especially behind the batsman, is a waste of time. First-person view would be the only thing worth bothering with in this regard. However, the slightly fuller 360 degree controls are a welcome measure.

It's an optional extra - don't use it. Agree that it makes it hard to judge the line but assumed that would become easier as I got used to it.

6) The HUD off mode is a potentially welcome move, but is so poorly implemented with regard to the lack of responsiveness of the controls that it ruins it. The reticule sometimes appears and not having the field placings shown seems a bit pointless here - you can see the fielders through peripheral vision in reality so what is the point of showing the field at the start of the over and then hiding it ?

I don't get all this stuff about unresponsiveness. You mean delayed reactions or what? Not noticed it myself.

7) Why have the D-Pad direction controls been de-activated, the batsman now moves slower than my dead grandparents ?

If you mean setting yourself and moving at the crease they haven't. Not sure what you mean otherwise.
8) Gameplay: Essentially, the batting has been made slightly more difficult, not better though. The sweet spot of timing is now slightly earlier than on AC09, but the timing is no longer 'intuitive' and all the pace bowlers are almost the same speed now, which kind of defeats the purpose. The consequence of this is now that as the sweet spot is slightly earlier, the slower balls are almost deadly in the right hands, not only the that, they often 'pee-roll' along the ground.

Too many of the bowlers are the same pace but that can be fixed with changing their style to MF or M. I've actually found slower balls to be less effective than in AC09.

The result of making the ball carry more has resulted in the regular ability to hit poorly-timed balls over the keeper/slips for six. In addition, the carry is often so excessive that shots that would normally be well timed end up flying to a fielder that they should never have gone anywhere near - this seems to be part of the cheating AI, there is no physics to this, it's all part of a large number of preset animations/routines. The ball also hits the batsman too regularly.

Haven't tried upper-cutting for 6 - will give it a go. I've not experienced any perfectly timed ground strokes being caught yet, unlike AC09, but I tend to aim for the larger gaps.

The spinners are still easy to spank, but there seems greater risk to it, which would be good, but any timing that is slightly off the good results in a 'treacle-like' effect where the ball just doesn't do what a normal ball would, almost going nowhere rather than up in the air. The timing of shots to pace bowlers is particular inconsistent and erratic, particularly to pitched-up deliveries, in addition to the problems of 2) above. This will result is a lot of 'cheesing' when online for the bowlers.

Agree about the pitched-up balls/yorkers. Too easy to bowl and too powerful. Still some strange hoiks across the line in there too. Have found timing in general to be fine though.

As far as the bowling is concerned, new controls are open to abuse online i.e. letting go of the reticule and seeing the ball ping back into a bouncer at the last minute which, given the poorly responsive batting controls, would not be welcome - I preferred the old system.

I've not enjoyed online so far. Dodgy fields, yorker merchants and loads of last minute reticule movement. On the other hand AC09 was weighted too far towards the bowlers. Not sure how you avoid that online tbh. Can't see how any cricket game can implement it successfully.

I'm guilty of getting involved in this too but this thread does not make pleasant reading - as kenpat said a few pages ago. Please address only the game issues and not the personal issues.
The percentage of PS3s/Xbox 360s in India is not the issue, that's just India too - the number of Asian expats abroad is huge, then there are those who belong to other test-playing nations.
With expatriate populations, just looking at North America and Indians, I'd say the vast majority of 2nd generation Indians are not at all interested in cricket games when compared to the local sports. I guess they've been fully assimilated... That obviously differs if you are an expatriate in a cricket-playing nation, but that's not relevant here. My guess is that you would be looking at similar figures in other countries.

I could bet you that people in India would pool together to get a PS3/Xbox360 if they knew a great cricket game was coming out which they could play online.
I highly doubt anyone would pool money together to buy a console because of one good cricket game with online abilities (except if your name is barmyarmy :p). First of all, there's the question of poor network infrastructure seriously hampering the online capabilities and secondly there's the question of ownership. Ownership may not be an issue if you're older and are actually working but if we're talking about kids from multiple families pooling their money together, that simply wouldn't work.

The only way I see this working is through a gaming lounge or center or something to that effect. If a good cricket game comes out, we may see a rise in gaming centers for kids to play at. This would decrease the cost sufficiently to make it worthwhile, although I'm not sure the game companies would be too pleased.
I highly doubt anyone would pool money together to buy a console because of one good cricket game with online abilities (except if your name is barmyarmy :p)

What can I say? I earn too much ;)
Seriously though I wanted to show support for the developer rather than just get my free review copy.
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