Shravan's Signatures and Wallpapers(Requests:Off)

Thats the best wallie ever I have seen . used a lot of textures in it and used it really well and effectively . I liked the render effects and they are great . The background is brilliant .

Afridi appealing on a road :D
Michael Clarke

Sorry leggie, I didn't use your cut because that image didn't go well with the wallpaper. Sorry.
I have only good things to say about this, except one negative thing I will get outta the way.

The text, well, its hard to say what could have went there as I'm not sure what could match the wallpaper. I like that running writing text, because its one of the few that is actually readable but Im not sure if its worked here. I really cant put my finger on it but something is wrong with it. Maybe its to much of a darker or lighter or just a different shade of green or "colourful" compared to the more duller render. Imm not sure.

Anyway, I love the rest! The background text is superb, so is the background! The render effects are awesome, your gun at render effects now. Even though I just said the render is duller, it still looks fantastic.

Maybe add more to the background. Other than that it's brilliant. The text looks very nice, the colour looks great. The bg text is very cool. The textures are really well placed.
Awesome wally there. Like this better than the Afridi one.Nice main text, and also nice text in the bg. Don't like the render in the bg though...Nice main render effects and nice use of C4Ds as always...

Overall: 9.5/10
I love the backgroind and colours but like I told you earlier sachin looks to skinny when you look at the other side of the wallpaper maybe the text or something. I would have tried less feather.

The text is nice, could have been a bit bigger or closer to him but I love the effects on it!


Btw Pakistani_Army. I'm sure Shravi felt flattened by those comments the first few times you gave him some like that but it really doesn't help his gfx. You've said that on his last 3 wallpapers;
Bloody fantastic wallpaper mate!
Fantastic graphics work Shravi!
Fantastic Afridi wallpaper Shravi!
etc etc.

You should give contructive critisim like this


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