Star World Mafia - Endgame - Mafia (barmyarmy and Varun) win!

If it is 2 mafia and an individual, I think that prostitute guy must be the individual.
Right, time to get this game moving. I'm going to put some pressure on Tom. He's not done anything and as has been noted, RPHKR pretty much only mentioned him in his posts.

Lynch: Highlander999
I'm always happy to put pressure on and lynch Tom...
I would follow him though in FOSing Yudi. I'm not even sure why Yudi is playing this game; I'm not sure I can remember a single game he's played where he's not been replaced or mod killed for inactivity.
Oh my bad! This is too bad that I'm killed again by the mafias.
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Right, time to get this game moving. I'm going to put some pressure on Tom. He's not done anything and as has been noted, RPHKR pretty much only mentioned him in his posts.

Lynch: Highlander999

That's rather strange jack, considering the previous page I analysed the write-up and mentioned the point about Yudi, which you conveniently ignored (luckily for once Colin has been useful and picked up on it :p) and then say I haven't done anything.

Rather strange play Jack..... FOS: treva
I'll hold my hands up and say I forgot about that post, not exactly strange, I just tend not to listen to what you say ;) Still could well be you just diverting attention after the death of someone who seemed to have it in for you.

As for what Yudi said, could easily just be an assumption. We need to pressure someone, and I suggest it be one of those two, otherwise we'll get nowhere.
Hardly. He FOS'd me because I hadn't made a post up until then because I had been in work lots.

Your right, let's pressure someone who is jumping the gun a wee bit, especially after two more well known members made points about Yudi which you seem to want to rather skirt around. Mafia buddies?

FOS: Yudi and treva
Jumped the gun? The game was going nowhere. I'd rather pressure you than nobody at all. Not really any point pressuring Yudi as we won't get a reply for ages and the game stalls longer.

My lynch stays.
Oh my bad, I don't why I didn't write 'probably'! I meant probably 3 of them as that seems to be the most appropriate combination for a 9 player game.

FOS: Highlander for trying to be very aggressive towards me using the word 'massive'. Convincing others is easy to get me lynched (based on past games) and so that could be the motive behind his 'massive FOS on me'.
Yudi seems rather active in this game. Only reason I can think is he got a power role. I can believe what he said about that 3 mafia phrase. I thought that was probably the case.
FOS: Highlander for trying to be very aggressive towards me using the word 'massive'. Convincing others is easy to get me lynched (based on past games) and so that could be the motive behind his 'massive FOS on me'.

Hardly, you just admitted you were in the wrong by posting something which was very mis-leading so what did you expect to happen? Of course I was going to pressure you rather heavily.

And it is not exactly hard to convince people to go after players like you, you aren't exactly famous for playing good games around these parts.
Lynch: Yudi

I thought he'd say that he's reason for thinking their were three people was this:

From outside of his room then came three gentle knocks on the door

But it's not, looks like a mafia slip up to me...
Okay, there's nothing worth mentioning that I'd like to from the night writeup, besides the fact that that killer is definitely Sheldon from TBBT (which is already agreed upon???).

I haven't paid much attention to the game in the last few pages, but just after a superficial glance on them the suspicions on Yudi seem legitimate enough, but I'm still not sure.

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