TAOC Discussion

skateboarder said:
There are already enough Beta testers. These will be people who are helping with the game and some members that asked. Unfortunately there were so many no more Beta testers are being accepted.

I don't know if it will be free or not yet. It's leaning towards being free with optional doantions though.
Although this may come out as if I just want it to be free for my own sake (which I do), I think it's a much better option to make it free. If you have to pay for it, even if it's 50c, there's an amount of effort involved in getting it. If you make it free, everyone will get it. It'll be the game that every cricket fan will get. Look at a game like Stick Cricket. Nobody would be interested in that if it cost $5 to register to play, as it's a pretty poor game. If you make the first version of this free, and then progress into making people pay a small amount, that would work too. At least you'll have everyone's attention after the first one. Or you could even get a bit of advertising, as with the popularity that this game would get as a free game, other companies will be very interested in getting themselves on an adboard or something.

So, although it's up to you, I think it's whether you want to have a good 3d cricket game that most of planetcricket buy and a few people outside of it buy, or the best free cricket game ever that all cricket fans go out and download.
tassietiger said:
Although this may come out as if I just want it to be free for my own sake (which I do), I think it's a much better option to make it free. If you have to pay for it, even if it's 50c, there's an amount of effort involved in getting it. If you make it free, everyone will get it. It'll be the game that every cricket fan will get. Look at a game like Stick Cricket. Nobody would be interested in that if it cost $5 to register to play, as it's a pretty poor game. If you make the first version of this free, and then progress into making people pay a small amount, that would work too. At least you'll have everyone's attention after the first one. Or you could even get a bit of advertising, as with the popularity that this game would get as a free game, other companies will be very interested in getting themselves on an adboard or something.

So, although it's up to you, I think it's whether you want to have a good 3d cricket game that most of planetcricket buy and a few people outside of it buy, or the best free cricket game ever that all cricket fans go out and download.
I see where you are coming from but the problem is that if it is released free, then what incentive would someone have for paying to upgrade to a newer version? Especially considering the level of editing that will be possible.

Should Paul decide to go down a route of making the game a pay-for game, I would think that there would be a free demo as a way of getting people's interest. I actually finally played the demo for RPIC 05 a few days ago, and if it weren't for TAOC, I would be going and buying it because of the demo.
As far as I'm concerned, make it cost money. Paul's put a load of effort in, and that should be rewarded. I'm all up for it costing $x. (Don't care if it's $20 or $50 or $100)
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cricketer112 said:
it will bring so much more to the game if it is extremely editable, of course with LM around we wont be confused and have to crack files, if something needs a tweak then im sure it will be able to be done easily 'for the good of the game' no need to crack exe files painstakingly!

anyhow - not going to beat about the bush with a long post - just interested actually LM in what you think of the gameplay and batting and bowling system so far? obviously you are a cricket game critic - to be so cheesed off with commercial companies to actually go ahead and build your own game! :hpraise, What i mean is - that you you are obviously playing around with the game whilst moving on with its development, so as a cricket game critic what do you reckon the gameplay is like with regards to the actual collision system and nature of the physics so far?


yeah, dont worry, i'll be happy to provide any info. on editing..

regarding your second question...i actually really like it so far, not to boast or hype it up or anything, but i really like the feel so far...it's still got some way to go in terms of tweaking the physics, and much will probably only be realised once fielder AI is implemented - meaning that when playing a full game, little things may still need to be tweaked so that it feels more realistic, but so far i really think the batting is quite natural and intuitive...gives the user a lot of control and reward for effort. You really feel like you deserve the runs when you hit them, cos you have to put thought into it...

regarding all the 'pay for' debate, it's still up in air...this probably wont be decided until late on...
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whitehornmatt said:
I see where you are coming from but the problem is that if it is released free, then what incentive would someone have for paying to upgrade to a newer version? Especially considering the level of editing that will be possible.

Should Paul decide to go down a route of making the game a pay-for game, I would think that there would be a free demo as a way of getting people's interest. I actually finally played the demo for RPIC 05 a few days ago, and if it weren't for TAOC, I would be going and buying it because of the demo.

As I said, advertising also might be a way of getting money if this game becomes wildly popular, but yeah, the idea of a newer version costing money probably wasn't that good an idea. The demo idea might get a bit of interest, but if it were free, anyone who found out about the game would download it, they've got nothing to lose. It'd also avoid having to set up accounts, find ways to avoid piracy (e.g. getting softwrap on to it, which you have to pay for also) and lastly there might be some copyright breaches if the official cricket boards and bat brands and stuff haven't licensed the game (this could be solved by patches 'anonymously' turning up though)

daleroy said:
As far as I'm concerned, make it cost money. Paul's put a shitload of effort in, and that should be rewarded. I'm all up for it costing $x. (Don't care if it's $20 or $50 or $100)

I agree, it should be rewarded, and the game (by the looks of it) deserves a price tag. But a fan-made cricket game is hardly going to get as much publicity as say, EA Sports and Codemasters get. That's why I think making it a free game is going to make it so huge. Think about that example I gave earlier of stick cricket. Nobody had ever heard of the term Stick Cricket until the free online game came out, and now I quite often see our school computer labs full of people playing it. I realise that TAOC is a bit bigger than Stick Cricket, and would require downloading unlike a little web game, but I reckon making it free would take it to similar heights, and depending on how well the game plays, it could really make EA and Codemasters worry.
well, since there is talk of the game costing money (which you definitely deserve) i presume that you will make fake names and tournaments or else you could face a healthy lawsuit from EA,etc
It's all well and good for a few people on this forum to say "I'll pay money for it" but look at TAOC from an outsiders view as a free game: That person looks like the cricketer he is supposed to be, those kits are the same as the real ones, that sweep shot looked real, the fielder isn't superhuman, that commentator sounds good (obviously they would be talking about me there ;)), look at the interesting patterns on the grass. I can't believe this is free.

Now let's say it is $50 (keeping in mind this means no licences): Who is that person wearing that Australia shirt? Why is his shirt wrong? Why is his shoulder square? Why does his elbow stick out? Who is that person talking? The grass looks nice, this game needs cows!, I'm not paying that much for it.

If you are having to pay money for something you are more critical of something, which means people aren't going to give TAOC a second look, sure it might be worth the money, I'm sure it would be, but for a mass market I have my doubts.

I think that the only way the game can be its best is for it to be free with donations, you may make more money that way too, many people may find the game to be worth $50, but that is more likely to happen after they have played it for a bit of time rather than up front.

Of course should Paul decide that he wants to sell the game, I would be 100% supportive of that, it is just that I think that to get the best return for the time and effort, a donation system is much better.

Disclaimer: Unlike some of my posts, this post does NOT speak in any official way about TAOC

i think that is very well said whitehornmatt i agree with you there that system would be very good :cheers
A donation system would definately be nice but how many people would actually donate. I for one would, but knowing a lot of people these days and the gaming world, people tend to not donate.

There's always an option of making the free version more "limited" to users and paying users get the full access to everything. Complicated but this problem with free or not is starting to get bigger as we get closer to release.
IloveGilly said:
A donation system would definately be nice but how many people would actually donate. I for one would, but knowing a lot of people these days and the gaming world, people tend to not donate.

There's always an option of making the free version more "limited" to users and paying users get the full access to everything. Complicated but this problem with free or not is starting to get bigger as we get closer to release.

If the game is good and is given good access to the public then loads will donate. Wikipedia got about $50,000 donations in the first day I seem to recall.
i think all of us who post here and most of the members of planetcricket would donate, as we know LM and the work he puts in and we talk to him on a regular basis about the game and its progress - but who knows if people on the outside will donate, i mean people who dont know of LM like we do - its just another game to them they dont see the day to day hard work and sometimes struggle, and LM tearing his hair out over redoing animations :crying etc... like we do.

i think the donations system is best, most of us here would donate very generously im sure, just imagine somewere in between 20 to 50 of us here donated the price of a commercial game - we will raise a nice 4 figure sum. so any other donations from outside would be a bonus.

Will_NA said:
how would we make a donation?

paypal more than likely, its easy and a safe way to send money.
Will_NA said:
how would we make a donation?

Not decided yet, one thing is for sure though. It will be decided whether free or pay for, just before release, which is a little while away.
i think it sholdnt be free LM has done great work he should be paid for it
whatever is decided i'm ready to pay for it or if it's free i will willingly donate

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