TAOC Discussion

legend_master said:
Just a quick announcement - the new video is running late, so wont be released until late tomorrow (with luck)...realised there was a big bug with the field radar which i now have to fix...so looks like it will end up more EA style after all lol...<sigh>
Couldn't you just get the radar to read in the position and shape of the fielding rope and then generate the radar shape and size based on that?
whitehornmatt said:
Couldn't you just get the radar to read in the position and shape of the fielding rope and then generate the radar shape and size based on that?

yeah, it's a little more complicated, but i'll have it sorted within an hour or so...will be able to update dynamically too...

manee said:
Pretty sure Warne and Mcgrath will be in.

of course, but bear in mind that it is extremely easy to add them in anyway ;)
legend_master said:
new video should hopefully be ready within the next 2 hours. I will upload to
this will give me something to do while it rains in sydney :crying. but in the long run it will please aussie fans more ;) .
Uploading to YouTube now so you can all see it. Matt, i'm also uploading to the website so you can publish it.

I'll make another post here once it's uploaded ;)

cheers all,

my tea will taste a lot better coming out of a TAOC mug :cheers
Excellent video, hard to explain but it looks like the ball comes on to the bat, which is good?

the video is looking better and better everytime i see it. can't wait for the video.

great work, LM.
too bad you're an aussie :D
the video is awesome the game is looking pretty damn good

btw is the batsman able to move while the bowler is about to bowl the ball.
AbBh said:
the video is awesome the game is looking pretty damn good

btw is the batsman able to move while the bowler is about to bowl the ball.

yes, absolutely... From the moment the bowler starts his runup to the moment the ball reaches the batsman (including AFTER the ball leaves the bowler's hand) you can move left, right, forward and back. I was considering allowing the batsman to be slightly rotated left and right too which would allow full spectrum of movement but i think that may be overkill and overcomplicate the batting.

That annoys me so much in EA how you cant move after a certain stage in the bowler's runup...the whole point of movement is to get into a good position for the ball that's going to be bowled. If you dont even know what the ball is going to do then how can you prepare by guessing in advance?
One question will the ratings of a player advance when he scores a century?
what is the update on the commentators. have they been chosen yet or started recording?

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