TAOC Discussion

many people who say we should pay, are not thinking that if we pay, there will be no real names, or tournaments, so i say make the game free but then you can pay a donation,

but ultimately it's up to you L_M
but then patchmakers will add real names and tournaments and kits. they've already done it for EA
well, thanks everyone for your great support :cheers

maybe we'll hold a referendum when the demo is released...see what people vote for - free or pay ;)

anyway...let's not dwell on the subject until further down the track

some great comments though and all very valid
change of subject, LM when will you start adding sounds in the game like crowd cheering, ball hitting bat, ball hitting wickets etc. i can help you with that.
holmie said:
change of subject, LM when will you start adding sounds in the game like crowd cheering, ball hitting bat, ball hitting wickets etc. i can help you with that.

Mate, i'm always looking out for that...if you can get me some good quality samples i'd be a very happy man ;)
Hey ladies and gents,

I know LM says that we should wait and see how the system for payment/donations is going to work, but I think it's an interesting debate. I agree that the game creators definitely need some for of compensation for the amount of work put into this project, because I know, in the end, they'll say they've done it, For the Love of Cricket (haha cool game caption?) but in all the minds of the people who have watched this game develop and seen LM's active interest in the people's inputs to the game, I'm sure they will feel, like I do, compelled to give something back, so show our love of that same sport.

Maybe, and I know this is not going to be a perfect solution, but since we're still throwing ideas up there, have a donation system where those that do donate, will be able to pull the game off a specific server - when it's ready for release - that will be quicker than all these mass-download sites.

While this isn't the perfect idea, I believe setting up a community of people that are willing to put money towards a project they feel confident about, will make those people feel a part of the bigger project, and get those "member benefits", like a faster download, or maybe some documentation by the developers about how the game came about, and the set-backs etc... Like one of those Limited Editions that so many games come out with.

These Editions don't necessarily need more work or better graphics in-game, or a Limited Edition Legend_Master figurine (lol) but just something to make the guys that have decided to donate, feel that they've given something back.

I know a lot of people will just get the limited editions and put them back on the net for anyone to download, but I'd like to think that the core group of guys - who this project means a lot to - wouldn't be the ones to do it.

Let me know what you chaps think...
The problem is, not a lot of people are going to donate money before they actually try it. Should just leave it till it gets closer to release.
is that video still on course for friday/saturday?
Will_NA said:
is that video still on course for friday/saturday?

well, i am in a position to do one, but like i said, it will be lacking a lot of cool stuff, but at least will show some of the new look and feel...i've done all fixed batting animations, just finishing up on running between wickets today..so should hopefully still make Saturday release if all goes according to plan...
i have just viewed the first page of this thread for the first time. i saw the screens and it is remarkable how far this game has come over the course of a year and a half
Quick question, will each different stadium have a different sized outfield ? for example, will the MCG have a larger outfield than say lords ? also will certain outfields be quicker than others depending on the weather ?
King Pietersen said:
Quick question, will each different stadium have a different sized outfield ? for example, will the MCG have a larger outfield than say lords ? also will certain outfields be quicker than others depending on the weather ?

yes and yes ;)
Just a quick announcement - the new video is running late, so wont be released until late tomorrow (with luck)...realised there was a big bug with the field radar which i now have to fix...so looks like it will end up more EA style after all lol...<sigh>

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