TAOC Discussion

fair enough. i guess i will have to stalk them another time. :p
YO !!!! GUYS !!! WHATZ UP ?????

exams almost over.....been crazy busy for 3 months and been
out of action for like ever lol !!
anyways....i have 2 more exams left which is on 13th & 17th and then
i am BACK !! although i wont be totally back as i have to study for other
important and competitive exams like AIEEE,IIT & CET !!
but still..you'll see some updates and activity from me soon.....


Awesome Jk thats great to hear

Cant wait to see what you can do for TAOC when you return

welcome back JK ... i still remember the screenshots u showed of the stadiums, they were friggin awesome ! cant wait to see u produce some more ;)
i have released a video of the custom field editor and also some screens...check the game screens thread. They can be downloaded from the links there to a file hosting site.


just checked out some stuff about this game. Looks really good from what i have seen so far :) . Can't wait for the release
lol, im still around, just been ultra busy. Found some optimization problems which must be ironed out as a total no. 1 priority so have been working solidly on that stuff. Dont worry, TAOC is here to stay ;)


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