TAOC Discussion

welcome back JK.

Hey LM ,how much time for the next big video?

Still a little way away...i want to include quite a lot of big new things so will be some time...unless i release a small vid in the meantime..which is of course possible...

Every small video is a build up.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to keep having small clips then releasing one massive one in time.
I assume that Paul is busy in the game front, therefore no updates from him for a while, and without updates people's curiosity is dying away.
hi paul. ive been silently reading through this for the past couple of months and just wana say keep the good work going on this. although the press may of died down now i assure you the codies forum are aware of this game and although the press may not be on the forum this game is starting to spread across the net :)
Just a curiosity LM, can you make the game engine use special effects of DX 10 also when available ? like Crysis which detects the DX support ?

mate, at this stage Dx10 is not expected to feature in TAOC...reason being is that its a massively different architecture...huge differences between it and dx9...so much so that id have to recode the entire thing almost! So fraid not at this stage. Future versions will surely be included.

hi paul. ive been silently reading through this for the past couple of months and just wana say keep the good work going on this. although the press may of died down now i assure you the codies forum are aware of this game and although the press may not be on the forum this game is starting to spread across the net :)

thanks, mate for the encouragement. Although it was never about the press or hype etc its always good to hear about rising popularity ;) the more people TAOC can reach the better, i say ;)
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