TAOC Discussion

Just thinking is it really necessary for an autoplay mode, because I have only used autoplay twice ever I think, as I like to be able to have control over what is happening. If you don't like bowling or batting well then that is 50% of the game going straight away
It should be there.

I don't bowl sometimes. But when I feel like, I do otherwise I autoplay it. So it depends on the player if he wants to play or autoplay!
So once the fielding is done. You will be able to play normally. Like bowling to the batsman with the keeper working etc. Except for the umpires?

Correct, except that umpires ARE already done and bug tested fully - that took up a fair bit of time over the last few weeks. After fielding is done i will need to do CPU AI for bowling and batting - that will be really tough and really critical as to the overall success of the game.

When can we expect to see the keeper in action?

Oh and one more thing, Do you have a girlfriend as was that what was keeping you so busy those 3 months

Keeper is just about done - just doing stumpings now and catching / appealing

But im not going to do a video until fielders are also up and running.

Yes i do have a girlfriend...have to try and balance everything and also spend time on the game - work, girlfriend, friends, social life etc...so yeah, not easy guys, but i am determined to finish this thing!! :cool:

It should be there.

I don't bowl sometimes. But when I feel like, I do otherwise I autoplay it. So it depends on the player if he wants to play or autoplay!

I agree. I really want to try and make bowling fun and desirable in this game, cos i have to admit that traditionally i never have bowled in any cricket game cos it's boring - im pretty sure because of the crap cpu batsman AI - so predictable and not exciting at all. And bowling seemed repetitive and not organic - i didn't feel like 'anything could happen', rather that only certain scripted events would occur.

But having said that, many people like to just bat, sometimes you just want to bat, dont have time for the full thing or whatever...definately the autoplay feature must be there so you have the choice of whether to use it or not.
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^^She must be definitely very proud of him :)
Is there a skill for running between the wickets? Because in Cricket 05 and Ricky Ponting 05 etc if you press the button to run they will run (shocking isn't it). I think there should be a skill that maybe the batsmen won't be that great at calling or running and might respond late to quick singles.

Any good?
Or maybe you have to rapidly press 2 buttons to make them run quick between wickets. Run too quick at the start, and they'll struggle to come back for the 3rd or 4th. Or 2nd. Lol.
Or maybe you have to rapidly press 2 buttons to make them run quick between wickets. Run too quick at the start, and they'll struggle to come back for the 3rd or 4th. Or 2nd. Lol.

I like something like this maybe if you just pressed the run button they would just jog through but to make them sprint you could hold down a button. Obviously if you sprint it will be harder to be run out but it would bring your stamina down gradually making you slower and slower.
I dont want this to be some stamina game i want a cricket game thats realistic and fun and if stamina goes down make it slowly as thats how Sangakarra made his nearly 200 and if hes stamina keeped going down rapidly he may be lucky to make 70 !!!
So i want to be able to make the big scores without stamina restrictions!!
I dont want this to be some stamina game i want a cricket game thats realistic and fun and if stamina goes down make it slowly as thats how Sangakarra made his nearly 200 and if hes stamina keeped going down rapidly he may be lucky to make 70 !!!
So i want to be able to make the big scores without stamina restrictions!!

well agree i have an idea in test stamina should not go down really fast since u dont need to sprint in test or hard and in test the stamania should recover after the break like lunch
I didnt mean that if you sprint a few times you will suddenly become slow. It is realistic if you lose stamina because in a cricket game you do get tired. I just meant that you shouldnt be able to sprint for a whole Test like you can in C2k7
I didnt mean that if you sprint a few times you will suddenly become slow. It is realistic if you lose stamina because in a cricket game you do get tired. I just meant that you shouldnt be able to sprint for a whole Test like you can in C2k7

oh yes i think toac has this feacture better confirm with LM mate

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