I think that's not really anything like 1 in 100. More like 1 in 1000 or more. Plus, I don't think the ball knocked him over. It was his, erm, rotund figure (read enormous gut) that caused him to topple.
hi LM mate any other update since some days has passed by and how is the fielding going mate
Monday update - fielding has stalled a little due to me fixing up all associated bugs that came about because of the fixing of the pace bowling 'loop' - it involved some drastic reworking of the bowling system and there were a lot of flow on effects like LBW calculations for example which had to also be reworked.
I think the lesson in the end will be if you put the effort in, you will get a good game. I think it is great that things aren't left buggy and are fixed even if it means delaying a new feature, in the end the game will be much better for that commitment.I think that above all, we have learned from you from The Art of Cricket that making a cricket game is a lot of hard work.
Monday update - fielding has stalled a little due to me fixing up all associated bugs that came about because of the fixing of the pace bowling 'loop' - it involved some drastic reworking of the bowling system and there were a lot of flow on effects like LBW calculations for example which had to also be reworked.
So bad news is fielding taking longer than expected and good news is new bowling system is much much better, with much more realistic trajectories and NO LOOPING