TAOC Discussion

Guys, for the menu system and in-game overlays, please do implement the png format, with alpha channel support, if possible. Also make the menu system at least 1024x768 resolution. Can I help here, with the graphics work?
With regard to the system min. requirements, I know you don't know exactly what they will be but would you be able to say roughly that if ur PC can play EA Cricket 07 it should be able to handle TAOC? Also will you need a seperate graphics card or will an integrated GC be ok?
Thats Enough !! no birds or seagulls or anything similar will be implemented...(atleast in the initial release).

so as of now there is no point in discussing it.
any further posts relating to birds or seagulls will be deleted.

Not even Dickie Bird ?
Hi all, happy new year and stuff...

Me and JK have been working away happily behind the scenes...slow progress, but progress all the same. Had to re-do collisions....almost done with that. Looking forward to some more tangible updates coming soon...


have been working like crazy on the batting anims.....have made heaps
of progress...!! hopefully, i can finish off the batting part by this weekend
and make some progress in the bowling anims as well ! :)


Nice to hear that, looks like the core part of the game is getting a move on production wise. I may be wrong though :)


have been working around 8 hrs per day since the last 8-10 days
and have made tremendous progress !! very happy with the way
things are shaping up....

here is the list of the batting anims...the ones that are remaining are
in BOLD.....


1 - FF OffBlock
2 - FF StraightBlock
3 - FF OnBlock
4 - FF square block / Fine glance
6 - FF leg glance block
7 - Pad up (spin)
8 - Raise Bat/Leave/dodge (pace)

9 - BF Offblock
10 - BF StraightBlock
11 - BF Ondrive block
12 - BF square block
13 - BF leg glance block
14 - FF coverdrive
15 - FF Straight/Offdrive
16 - FF Ondrive
17 - FF square drive
18 - FF leg glance
19 - FF reverse sweep (spin)
20 - FF sweep (spin)
21 - BF Coverdrive
22 - BF Straight/Off drive
23 - BF Ondrive
24 - BF cut low (Spin)
25 - BF cut Norm (Pace)
26 - BF Pull low (Spin)
27 - BF Pull Norm (Pace)
28 - BF Late cut
29 - BF fine Leg glance
30 - Lofted Coverdrive
31 - Lofted straightdrive
32 - Lofted Ondrive
33 - Lofted Cut
34 - Lofted leg glance
35 - lofted Late cut
36 - Lofted Pull(Pace)
37 - FF Slog Sweep (spin)
38 - BF Hook (pace)
39 - Yorker Block

1. Lofted Square Drive
2. Lofted Pull(Spin)
3. Paddle Sweep
4. Lofted Paddle Sweep
5. Over-The-Keeper / Slips Shot
6. BF Cover Drive
7. Duck

have been working on the bowling anims as well.....have made some progress...more details
on the bowling later on !!

cheers :cheers:

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Great update JK.But along with the paddle sweep,can you add the scoop shot? Will look great for ODIs and T20s.

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