TAOC Discussion

ziad123_2005 said:
ok thanks for answering ! :D :)
one more annoying question lol ;)
so do i just list the deliveries they bowl and if they have any special delivery ?

ahmm..well, tbh..i'd request everyone to contribute more on the commentary lines than stats / attributes ! :upray

and i am saying this now because

1.) Writing as much commentary lines as possible (which will take a lot of time).
2.) Finalizing them (which also will take a lot of time)
3.) Finalizing the commentators for the game. (tough job)
4.) commentators chanting all the lines.
5.) LM has to implement them in-game properly which is not an easy job
and has the most chances of having issues !

so i again Beg / Request all of you to ignore all the research on stats etc
and concentrate more on commentatry.

P.S - Other than commentary, the only things worth a research atm would be "Player Fielding Positions" and "other info on players (what they where etc ) " :)
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ok cool
yes i know its a very tough job, getting the best commentators out of the list, adding it all onto the coding

so yes i will see if i can offer any help for commentating :)
This is why I think everyone if they are writing lines should add to my list because they are in easy to read sections which IMO are easier than no categories to code (speaking from no experience:D).
Could JK or LM please send us some of the stats of some of the players that he said they have done.

Im just curious how much detail is going to be used
All animations are done by hand, but based on real life footage. I can assure you the bowling animations so far are really coming along well, which is why it's taking so long...Im afraid mocap is out of the question - too expensive...

Manee, not sure if we should release this info yet - ill discuss with JK...maybe we could send to you only so you can see, but not sure id like to display it all publicly just yet

cheers all,

A question now which I hope you can answer, are full tosses going to be much easier to hit for four. Without this, full tosses are yorkers with more chance to swing and more room for error which IS WRONG.

Great job

manee said:
A question now which I hope you can answer, are full tosses going to be much easier to hit for four. Without this, full tosses are yorkers with more chance to swing and more room for error which IS WRONG.

Great job


absolutely...full tosses will be punishable as they should be...bowlers will also be able to bowl beamers which can also be punished. I wouldn't say they will be easy to hit, but certainly not difficult like yorkers...the hardest bit will be anticipating a full toss...
legend_master said:
absolutely...full tosses will be punishable as they should be...bowlers will also be able to bowl beamers which can also be punished. I wouldn't say they will be easy to hit, but certainly not difficult like yorkers...the hardest bit will be anticipating a full toss...
Well done with that LM
LM Will there be this feature (Well if theres not im suggesting it) Where if they get a 50 or 5 wicket hall it shows some of the highlights of their innings? Like in real cricket?
Hello guys!! have been of late. came from holiday just today. did i miss anything??? keep up the good work guys..
Nothing much...the only major addition recently has been the TV overlays

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