TAOC Discussion

viral1991 said:
What? I am standing on a volcano! :D
u need to understand meanings in between lines...

80%(or 72%) of an iceberg is underwater, and isn't visible.

now u can corelate what is said...
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blackleopard92 said:
u need to understand meanings in between lines...

80%(or 72%) of an iceberg is underwater, and isn't visible.

now u can corelate what is said...

Ok, then I am standing at the bottom of the ocean! ;)
Hi all,

just popping my head back in to let you all know that i haven't disappeared...but the bad news is with the World Cup on i just can't get much time for TCP...between working full-time, sleeping and watching the matches all my time is used up :(

but i can assure everyone that as soon as the world cup winds up i will be back with a vengeance...!!! Mark my words!! ;)
legend_master said:
Hi all,

just popping my head back in to let you all know that i haven't disappeared...but the bad news is with the World Cup on i just can't get much time for TCP...between working full-time, sleeping and watching the matches all my time is used up
Sleeping?, who needs sleep :D
daleroy said:
Not sure why the Players bother turning up for the World Cup. The referee's decide the games anyway, not the skill of the players!

9.9 for the Dive, you cheating Italian prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how the hell the Ref called that, I don't know.....Seemed to be a theme for this WC. Dodgy bad decisions all round, especially to the Aussies.... Hardly a world game imo.
Er...wrong thread?

legend_master said:
Hi all,

just popping my head back in to let you all know that i haven't disappeared...but the bad news is with the World Cup on i just can't get much time for TCP...between working full-time, sleeping and watching the matches all my time is used up :(

but i can assure everyone that as soon as the world cup winds up i will be back with a vengeance...!!! Mark my words!! ;)
Another reason I dislike soccer.
cricket4life said:
Another reason i dislike Mr. LM!
You have no reason to dislike him. He's not a professional, he's not forced to make this game so let him have a breather.
cricket4life said:
Another reason i dislike Mr. LM!

Hopefully, you were joking

By the way, please check the suggestions thread everyone...Ive made one of my best recently regarding bouncers and yorkers
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hey people, i want to be part of this project, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I can make faces , high quality scratch bats and stumps and pitchads. Please, i really want to be part of this project.
bakshikshitiz said:
hey people, i want to be part of this project, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I can make faces , high quality scratch bats and stumps and pitchads. Please, i really want to be part of this project.
Most of those things are covered already (or done), although you should take a look at the first post in the list of guys willing to help thread to see if there is anything not done that you could do.
almost there....

Well, after a long break i am back, somewhat heart-broken, but also uplifted by some great play from Australia in the world cup!

I am going to be resuming work on TCP this week, taking breaks only for the semi finals and final ;)

So this week will be pretty sporadic, but next week it's back in at full steam ahead, which is going to be pretty exciting...i will also have to play a bit of catch-up, but hopefully by late next week i will have some new videos ready.

Just wanted to thank everyone for their great patience and support during this break.

cheers all! :cheers
legend_master said:
Well, after a long break i am back, somewhat heart-broken, but also uplifted by some great play from Australia in the world cup!

I am going to be resuming work on TCP this week, taking breaks only for the semi finals and final ;)

So this week will be pretty sporadic, but next week it's back in at full steam ahead, which is going to be pretty exciting...i will also have to play a bit of catch-up, but hopefully by late next week i will have some new videos ready.

Just wanted to thank everyone for their great patience and support during this break.

cheers all! :cheers
Cant wait LM Looking good! I know it was a rough time but It will lift our confirdence world cup wise. It should be an excellent video!

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