The cooking thread

Can you cook?

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Chairman of Selectors
Jun 19, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I know we have some budding chefs here at Planetcricket, but what I want to know is can you cook? Do you want to learn? Do you eat take out all the time? Or are pasties your idea of heaven :D

Use this thread to discuss great recipies you know and let's get cooking!
Pancakes and a full English are the extent of my culinary abilities. Don't half taste good when put together tho!
What about mediocre cook, but don't give me anything too complex? I do enjoy cooking though, although it is rather difficult at uni. Did a cracking beef stroganoff a few weekend's back, went down a treat. That' my signature dish :)
Not a bad dish to have as a signature, how about posting it up for fellow members, I promise to post up some of my specialities too. Probably describe myself as mediocre too. I love cooking, I'm pretty good at it, but I'm no Jamie Oliver that's for sure. Put yourself down as Can Cook, Do Cook :)
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Ok :)

As for the receipe, I just get it straight out the cook book I use.

I'm going to try something different though for this weekend. Something quite filling, not too many ingredients but still a nice solid dish. Any suggestions?
Nothing wrong with using a recepie book, I tend to use them for inspiration and add my own special interpretation to them :D

Depends what you are after, I do a mean Chilli Con Carne. My Curries are legendary, although they tend to just happen rather than be the product of any strict recepie, actually much like my chilli! Other signature dishes of mine are a cheating b***ard Tuna lasagne, a pretty decent Moroccan style lamb casserole, the best roast lamb Sunday dinner you'll ever have and a bloody good paella. Actually today just did Honey and Mustard Roast Bacon Joint, damn that was tasty and loads left over for sarnies too!
Yeh I go alright.

I've been at a really authentic classy middle eastern place (Afghan specifically) for the few years and really enjoying it there. I am the only white person there bar 1 of the waitressess, it's quite funny.

But, as for general life sorta food my girlfriend cooks most nights because I'm usually working. We don't have that much money so recently I've been nicking ingredients from the resturant, so middle eastern is always on at our house!

When we have mates or family over I usually do a barbeque; Barbequed vegetables (Macerated) go down an absoultete storm. Seriously when I'm done with my apprenticeship I should open a resturant and just do that, people love them.
The favourite is carrot, soaked in crush strawberry juice and macareted strawberries, with honey. That dish could sell really well, anywhere.
The favourite is carrot, soaked in crush strawberry juice and macareted strawberries, with honey. That dish could sell really well, anywhere.
Sounds interesting, will have to try something along those lines.
How are your golden syrup dumplings? I hear they're a treat.
I just love that they ended up finishing them.
Depends what you are after, I do a mean Chilli Con Carne.

I'm shocked. My book has no chilli con carne in it. I might give that a go, if I can find a recipe somewhere.

Other signature dishes of mine are a cheating b***ard Tuna lasagne, a pretty decent Moroccan style lamb casserole, the best roast lamb Sunday dinner you'll ever have and a bloody good paella. Actually today just did Honey and Mustard Roast Bacon Joint, damn that was tasty and loads left over for sarnies too

Tuna lasagne??? Yeah, I'd like to think that I would be able to start cooking stuff like this pretty soon. I wouldn't even attempt a roast in the oven we have. Get better luck just making a fire in the kitchen and cooking it over that.

Hmm that might work.........*Runs off to find wood and matches* ;)
Ok, here's a basic chilli con carne recepie

2 onions
1 garlic clove
about 2 tspns of chilli powder (depending on how you like it, I tend to just pile it on)
1 tspn ground cumin (keep it half the cumin to the chilli powder)
1 red chilli, finely chopped
pack of steak mince
2 tins of chopped tomatoes, use the cheap ones you'll not notice the difference
1/2 a cinnamon stick
1 beef stock cube
splash of Worcestershire sauce
blitz up some sun dried tomatoes or use some tomato pure
I like to add a splash of real ale
tin of kidney beans, again use the cheapest ones, there is absolutely no difference!
salt and pepper

Chop the onions and garlic and fry until soft, add the chilli powder and cumin.
Add the mince and season. Fry until the meat is browned.
Add the tinned tomatoes, the cinnamon stick, crumble in the stock cube, the sundried tomatoes or the pure, the chopped chilli and the beer (or just use water if needed instead). splash in some worcestershire sauce. Simmer for about 1 hour then add the kidney beans (rinse them in water unless you like farting the next day), continue simmering for another 30mins or so and thats about it. Serve with rice. Tastes even better if you do it the day before and stick it in the fridge then reheat. (obviously dont do the rice the day before!) Don't worry too much about the timing, you can cook this forever and it still works, you can rush it a bit too, but it wont taste so good.#

You can be really lax with this, its really a lazy dish, chop and change it around, add extras if you want, I sometimes chuck in something like sweetcorn if I have some (I'm sure this will shock some!) It's really easy.
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To be honest, everyone has cooking abilities, its how confident you are with your abilities which determines how good you actually are.

I've worked at an Italian restaurant since '06, and its given me bucket loads of confidence. I can make a mean Pizza, not particularly as good as at work, as they have a proper Pizza oven. But! You can make Pizza from scratch if you know the right ways to cook the dough.

Another one of my favourite dishes has to be a seafood pasta, with fresh pasta, mind! Packeted pasta is disgusting! I could give out loads of recipes, probably like Kev, so if you fancy Italian, PM me ;)
Yeah pasta is a doddle to make, but if you buy the fresh packed pasta from the supermarket its pretty decent, I like to but the lasagne sheets and cut it how I want it, makes it look homemade but you've cheated and everyone thinks you are a god :D. Dried pasta is ok though, I certainly wouldn't call it disgusting, if you cook it well you'd be hard pressed to notice.

What I love about pasta is its so simple, add some salt and some olive oil to the water, cook as instructed, warm through a tin of chopped tomatoes and some chopped basil and you have a fantastic simple pasta dish, why anyone would buy pasta sauce is beyond me!
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