The cooking thread

Can you cook?

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Ok, here's a basic chilli con carne recepie

2 onions
1 garlic clove
about 2 tspns of chilli powder (depending on how you like it, I tend to just pile it on)
1 tspn ground cumin (keep it half the cumin to the chilli powder)
1 red chilli, finely chopped
pack of steak mince
2 tins of chopped tomatoes, use the cheap ones you'll not notice the difference
1/2 a cinnamon stick
1 beef stock cube
splash of Worcestershire sauce
blitz up some sun dried tomatoes or use some tomato pure
I like to add a splash of real ale
tin of kidney beans, again use the cheapest ones, there is absolutely no difference!
salt and pepper

Chop the onions and garlic and fry until soft, add the chilli powder and cumin.
Add the mince and season. Fry until the meat is browned.
Add the tinned tomatoes, the cinnamon stick, crumble in the stock cube, the sundried tomatoes or the pure, the chopped chilli and the beer (or just use water if needed instead). splash in some worcestershire sauce. Simmer for about 1 hour then add the kidney beans (rinse them in water unless you like farting the next day), continue simmering for another 30mins or so and thats about it. Serve with rice. Tastes even better if you do it the day before and stick it in the fridge then reheat. (obviously dont do the rice the day before!) Don't worry too much about the timing, you can cook this forever and it still works, you can rush it a bit too, but it wont taste so good.#

You can be really lax with this, its really a lazy dish, chop and change it around, add extras if you want, I sometimes chuck in something like sweetcorn if I have some (I'm sure this will shock some!) It's really easy.

I'll tell you how this goes. I'll even go to Morrisons instead of Lidl for the ingredients :)
I'll tell you how this goes. I'll even go to Morrisons instead of Lidl for the ingredients :)
go to Lidl, the only ingredient worth spending money on is the mince, everything else can be cheap as chips.
I can boil a egg, comes in handy at times:cheesy

Cookings not my thing. just pop out to the chippy every now and then
My speciality is everything pies and tarts. I can make a mean quiche too.
Since I have been at Uni, I've been cooking but going down the 'half cheating' route - that is, make a big Chilli/Curry/Cottage Pie/Bolognase (sp?), eat 1 portion, freeze 3 and just thaw that out and do some rice or pasta or whatever to go with it. Some of the people sharing my kitchen live off ready meals :rolleyes:

Also bargain hunters, if you buy Sainsbury's basics you can pick up 2.75kg of frozen oven chips for 75p - they're not bad either!
I can cook fairly well. My mom and dad are great cooks, and they've trained me and my sisters so well we don't ever have to worry about cooking again. I can cook a few Indian dishes, Chinese, and Pasta or Lasagne off my memory, but generally need the recipie to cook anything. Like Simbo says, anyone can do it. It's like following instructions. Although the fun bit is making up your own stuff :D That's why I usually stick to Sandwhiches and Eggs, the potential is limitless!

I might steal some recipies from here when I need a snack...
I love cooking, I make a ripper pancake and crepe. Also made Cannelloni earlier to. But apart from that, meh... haha
I make Heinz tinned spaghetti on toastwhen I can be arsed.
Crikey, do just about all the cooking at home. Got one cooking unit at college. Where we have to design a menu and cook it. We're doing fine dining. So we're going to be using some "posh" ingredients, caviare, etc.

Specialist recipes from me:

My favourite is Somerset Pork, which is Pork (chops) cut into bitesize pieces in a cider and bramley apple sauce. Fantastic flavour.
Well done you.

Wish I could cook tbh. It's a real positive for you in the poon department if you can cook for your woman.

Really? Must be different down your way, up here the woman cooks, the man eats! The North really is still in the olden days!

Nah I'm joking, I ain't that sexist! I dunno, I rarely have time to cook meals at the moment so its her doing them, which is good for me! Theres thousands of simple recipes you can cook, which is suitable to share, Spag Bol is easy as! All you need to do is cook off your mince meat to about 3/4 done, then bung in tomato puree and some chopped tomatos out of a tin (this is an easy way, yet not cheating), cook off some mushrooms and bung them in, onions, bit of garlic. So so so so so easy!
Fast food's so much easier and I don't even care how unhealthy it is. Fair play to you if you can cook, but i'd rather have a sloppy pie from Waterfields anyway.
Matt, the food at Leeds was sexy ;) They had Chinese at a festival! CHINESE! FESTIVAL! BLOC PARTY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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