The cooking thread

Can you cook?

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That sounds nice :) Got a recipe?

4 servings:

1lb of Pork, cut in to bitesize pieces (chop or spare rib chops)
1 large bramley apple, diced (if they are quite small, use two)
4/5 mushrooms, sliced (if you are doing button, do about 20)
half a white onion, diced - Shallots work well too.
Double Cream - about 100 ml
Cider - You'll probably use about 300ml
Sage, chopped - Fresh would be best, should be able to get it in a supermarket or greengrocers.


Chop the pork into bitesize pieces (be careful not to leave bones in!), then fry it in some butter until almost cooked (as you've still got some frying to do) . Then add the apple, mushrooms and onion, fry until the mushrooms are soft, the apple should be cooked, but not mushy, they should hold their shape quite well. Then add the cider and cook off the alcohol, you'll be able to taste when it's gone. Then add the double cream. Finally add the freshly chopped Sage. The sauce should taste sweet and should not be liquid, nor should it be really thick. Serve with new potatoes. Asparagus goes well as do Chantennais carrots.

Asparagus is out of season at the moment, purple sprouting broccoli is in at the moment, try some of that with it. If you don't like normal broccoli, don't worry, it doesn't taste like normal broccoli.
Here's what i cook when ever I get hungry.


Grab the stuff from the box, pour it in a bowl, add some milk - juice and some fruit on the side and you are done. Good any time of the day.
Fast food's so much easier and I don't even care how unhealthy it is.
I once thought like you, then I started gripping my tract in dismay.

angryangy added 29 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

Since I have been at Uni, I've been cooking but going down the 'half cheating' route - that is, make a big Chilli/Curry/Cottage Pie/Bolognase (sp?), eat 1 portion, freeze 3 and just thaw that out and do some rice or pasta or whatever to go with it. Some of the people sharing my kitchen live off ready meals :rolleyes:

Also bargain hunters, if you buy Sainsbury's basics you can pick up 2.75kg of frozen oven chips for 75p - they're not bad either!
Shanks are a cunning step up, not for someone looking to freeze four meals, but for someone who has become confident with budget cooking to cook for others. Shanks cost very little, but when slowly cooked, it's tasty meat that falls off the bone and even though you might see it on a restaurant menu, you really don't have to do much to get it there.

Just sear the shanks and set them aside, then saut? some onion and maybe garlic if you like, then throw it all in a big stock pot with a litre of stock and your favourite spices (just a couple of tsps each of cumin and coriander if you have no favourites) and let simmer for 60-75 min. If you think you can do something with potatoes, you've got a dish that impresses both male and female carnivores, is quick to put together and gives you about an hour of reasonably comfortable drinking.
Since I have been at Uni, I've been cooking but going down the 'half cheating' route - that is, make a big Chilli/Curry/Cottage Pie/Bolognase (sp?), eat 1 portion, freeze 3 and just thaw that out and do some rice or pasta or whatever to go with it. Some of the people sharing my kitchen live off ready meals :rolleyes:
That's not cheating or even half cheating, its just sensible. Firstly its cheaper that way and secondly if you don't want to cook one night you don't have to you have the speed advantages of a ready meal, but it's not full of crap and it tastes much better. Things like Curries and Chilli taste better reheated anyhow.

Destroying the myth about students tonight. Made myself chicken in a white wine sauce with asparagus and home made cookies for pudding. Gonna be good :D

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