The End Of Australian Dominance?

Is it offically over now? As of 30th December 2008?

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Look. Are you that stupid you can't understand my point?


He said that Australian dominance had already ended because India have just beaten Australia at home.

I said that it is not necessarily true because England beat them at home in the same competition, and Australia still continued their dominance.

That is my sole and only point on the matter. I'm not speaking of anything apart from that, like you made out I was.

Understand now?


Im also replying to Austrlia dominating after England defeats.

Understan now?

Im also replying to Austrlia dominating after England defeats.

Understan now?


I never said anything about that, nor do I care.

God, I'm sick of you replying to something I say and taking it completely out of context. Is it because you can't understand (or as you put it, understan) english?
What the hell? You are the craziest person I've ever seen on here.

You said "ya it's already ended, India beat Australia at home". Just because India won a series over Australia doesn't mean Australia aren't the best team in the world still. Look at England last year, they won... and Australia went on to compile a flawless victory in the World cup, the asshats.

And no, I'm not trying to fight you. I'm telling you that what you said in the previous post was completely wrong, which you seem to agree with.

Now you just shut up your mouth.I meant,India won and series has been finished by 2-0.You better not to use this type of word again because i don't fight doesn't mean i can't fight.
I was the only Indian fan who told that with series lost Aussis are not down at the table.
You forced me to write my harsh post ever in PC.
You telling me crazy,boy i can do what crazy people can't...I can match two genes..and if you ever in your life capable to do that then i allow you to say me crazy.
WIll you 3 (sid,jordox and vaibhav) stop fighting ? its enough and stop attacking each other .
Now you just shut up your mouth.I meant,India won and series has been finished by 2-0.You better not to use this type of word again because i don't fight doesn't mean i can't fight.
I was the only Indian fan who told that with series lost Aussis are not down at the table.
You forced me to write my harsh post ever in PC.
You telling me crazy,boy i can do what crazy people can't...I can match two genes..and if you ever in your life capable to do that then i allow you to say me crazy.

This is the exact words you used: "Ya..Its already ended....India have won by 2-0...We have beat Aussis in their homes..."

My point is that England have beaten them 2-0 in the past and it meant nothing. Don't act like you didn't say that, simply because you regret doing so.

I can match two genes.

That some kind of down syndrome or something? Regardless, I don't see the relevance.

Oh, and I'm happy I'm the first person to make you act like yourself. Showing your anger is good young one, don't be a fake in life. Faker.
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Guys, attack the issue not each other, don't resort to name calling in trying to get your point across.

Any further posts that do so will be deleted and if it happens repeatedly the thread will be closed.
Hes less crazy than you. Stop living in past. Just becoz they won World Cup undefeated does not count for anything in future. England were mauled throughout the summer by Australia but they never dominated India after MCG test match.
They still had McGrath in WC and you cant replace him. No matter how tight or good Clark might be, he does not instill fear in batsman and even does not play 2 out of 5 games.
Another loss is Gilly. haddin has been around the Australian team after WC and had got opportunities to bat for long time in most matches. He was only successful in 2 matches out of them. You cant expect Gilly like WC innings from him.
Not to forget without Hayden in side the other test opneor Phil Jaques looked out of saughts. It was only in his company that he got confident and looked solid. Now hes already 37 and will not be around for much. Already Ponting has indicated to look for youth.
Lastly this time they will not get Australian type pitches in India. If Hayden is not in side by any chance at that time then Australia will be lucky to win 1 test match. Bret Lee has not played 1 test match in India and Clark has always looked ordinary in subcontinent.
First off, he wasn't saying that the World Cup meant we would still dominate, he was saying that winning the CB series doesn't mean that India will suddenly start dominating.

Clark last year was a better bowler than McGrath (in test cricket), and Haddin is at the moment a better player than Gilchrist. His WC innings was fantastic, but he plays innings like that once every series, if that. His last test century was against England last year, and his glovework is becoming a bit sloppy.

We may not be able to replace the Gilchrist and McGrath of old, but as for the current versions, I believe that we could even be better off. Warne is the only one that we desperately needed to stay on for longer.
First off, he wasn't saying that the World Cup meant we would still dominate, he was saying that winning the CB series doesn't mean that India will suddenly start dominating.

You said "ya it's already ended, India beat Australia at home". Just because India won a series over Australia doesn't mean Australia aren't the best team in the world still. Look at England last year, they won... and Australia went on to compile a flawless victory in the World cup, the asshats.

This is what im replying to.
This is what im replying to.

No, you're attacking me because I slagged your teams victory off.

If you were really replying to that you'd agree with me. It did happen didn't it? As I recall those events happened. I don't care if you think that Australia can't do that because of the lack of Gilchrist and McGrath, thats not my point. I was simply saying what happened.

Don't reply to me, this isn't the first time this has happened. You never have any idea what I'm talking about and instead you choose to start an argument with me over something I never even implied, or suggested.

Clark last year was a better bowler than McGrath (in test cricket), and Haddin is at the moment a better player than Gilchrist. His WC innings was fantastic, but he plays innings like that once every series, if that. His last test century was against England last year, and his glovework is becoming a bit sloppy.

We may not be able to replace the Gilchrist and McGrath of old, but as for the current versions, I believe that we could even be better off. Warne is the only one that we desperately needed to stay on for longer.

Perfectly said. 100% agree. As a fan of South Africa, I never really worried about Gilchrist in recent times, I was much more worried bloody Ponting or Hayden. As for McGrath, well he bowled very well in the World Cup, and I believe that Clarke wont be AS good, but I don't think he'll be much worse.
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It's not really a question of can Australia replace the Legends but rather are their current players the best in the World? Yes, they are.

Still, the gap will close and unless Australia improve their bowling unit i.e. Johnson and Tait, the gap will close even further. I feel that their brilliant fielding is more important now than ever.
lol You guys need to get over the fact that Aussies are still the best and will remain, sadly ;).

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