The End Of Australian Dominance?

Is it offically over now? As of 30th December 2008?

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manee said:
Was what Sreesanth did to Nel "well mannered"? It was funny as hell but not well mannered.
Sreesanth... and then? In fact, people in India are surprised (and some even disgusted) by his antics. So that's not up for debate--we are (too?) polite.
Yes I know, I was just trying to remember that hilarious moment, and then a ball later when Nel made fun of it.
puddleduck said:
I think it would be fair to say there have been a fair few bowlers more effective against India than Vettori :p

Oops, I forgot to mention 'spin bowler in India'. He wouldn't have got many wickets, but he bowled well. I think, generally, India struggle against left arm spinners. There was another young left arm spinner from Zimbabwe who troubled Sachin a lot(before the crap that happened to Zim cricket). Even Monty bowled well in India.

manee said:
Yes I know, I was just trying to remember that hilarious moment, and then a ball later when Nel made fun of it.

Frankly, Nel told him that he didn't have the heart to play(You could make that out). Sreesanth replied, but in his own way.

Nel seems to be a kid who was deprived of candy throughout his life. Just get him angry, and he'll start bowling short. As Harsha Bhogle put it, he bowls too many 'ego' balls.

I don't think Nel is too 'well mannered', either. Besides, you can't judge a team by the actions of one player, can you?

sohummisra said:
Sreesanth... and then? In fact, people in India are surprised (and some even disgusted) by his antics. So that's not up for debate--we are (too?) polite.

Isn't there a story about Srinath that when he went to South Africa, he bounced out a batsman, who started bleeding, and instead of him, Srinath had to be taken out, as he fainted when he saw blood?

I'm not sure if it was SA, though.

Another incident that comes to mind is the Srinath-Ponting thing, when Srinath hit Ponting on the helmet, and apologised for it!
sohummisra said:
Sreesanth... and then? In fact, people in India are surprised (and some even disgusted) by his antics. So that's not up for debate--we are (too?) polite.

India and my hometown have something in common then :D

Politeness is all well and good but you have to be fiery on the field. Look at Ponting, Warne, McGrath, KP, Murali, etc, all the worlds best are fiery, bar MoYo who is in cloud nine all the time.
May i ask a stupid question and ask what exactly Sreesanth did to Nel? I didn't see this incident
aussie1st said:
Found a very interesting and funny article about our future players.

Mitchell Johnson, the fast Queensland left armer, will be at his peak and will show there is much more to him than just body piercings and tattoos. He will rattle the Poms - sending Ian Bell to hospital with a nasty groin injury.,8659,20963981-5009880,00.html

Is the groin injury due to running yet another run on his way to a world record 502*?
No I think it's more Bell getting smashed in the groin by a ripping fast Johnson delivery where Bell knocks his stumps over cause he can't take the pain anymore ;) Well thats the Aussie version :)

I also quite liked this bit

Left-arm wrist spinner Beau Casson is the real bolter in the squad after Stuart MacGill gets dropped either for dodgy form or abusing umpires.

Casson's rare ability to spin the ball on any wicket - and his deliciously disguised wrong-un - will give him the nod over the likes of South Australia duo Cullen Bailey and Dan Cullen. Nathan Hauritz won't rate a mention.
Zaibatsu22 said:
May i ask a stupid question and ask what exactly Sreesanth did to Nel? I didn't see this incident
Well, Nel told Sreesanth that he had no heart to play the game. Why he had to say that to a No. 10 batsman is what I wonder. Why didn't he say that to Sachin?

Next ball Sreesanth smashed the ball over Nel's head for a six, and he started waving his bat and dancing. It was way too funny! Ravi Shastri fell from his chair in the commentator's box!


You should have seen Nel's face then!

I wonder why Nel says nothing to Hayden or KP. Well, he won't come out of it alive, most probably. :p
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Zaibatsu22 said:
May i ask a stupid question and ask what exactly Sreesanth did to Nel? I didn't see this incident
*Links removed, copyright infringement*
Or go on Youtube and search, Mods seem to not wan't links to Youtube or Google video here.

anandbatra said:
You should have seen Nel's face then!

I wonder why Nel says nothing to Hayden or KP. Well, he won't come out of it alive, most probably. :p
Nel tried his best not to look but couldn't help smiling :p
And he would do it to Hayden or KP...if he wishes to end his career prematurely. Heck, KP would probably clobber him for 36 in the over, Hayden would try for 37 :p

Ok, time to go back on topic...
haha thanks guys i just watched the vid on youtube, kudos to Sreesanth, Nel dishes it out plenty so its good to see him get some back
Those who say australia are not going to fell the impact of shane warne and other players retiring are fools or just scared to accept it.Like any other
thing any thing that goes up has to come down one day.Reading that article on fox sports which is bit of bullshit .Australia struggled to bowl out india in 2003 when mcgrath and warne were not there at home still there was gillespie in good form.Now with brett lee who is a average bowler in tests,
battery of young fast bowlers with out experience and with no body to guide them and no world class spinner australia are going to come rocking down to earth.I heard australia A are The second best side The guy who said this might be wearing his underwear on his head while the top end series was going on.
Can the people who want to talk about South Africa and India move to the thread about it? This is about Australia! And as for McGrath, it turns out he may well be around for the Indian Tests and beyond, he syas he is not retiring yet, and will not call a definite end until it is in front of him (taking it one test at a time). Adn he definitely will participate in the World Cup.

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