The End Of Australian Dominance?

Is it offically over now? As of 30th December 2008?

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I hope McGrath carries on for as long as possible; I'm loving everyone tonking him around these days. :)
Cricket_god said:
Those who say australia are not going to fell the impact of shane warne and other players retiring are fools or just scared to accept it.Like any other
thing any thing that goes up has to come down one day.Reading that article on fox sports which is bit of bullshit .Australia struggled to bowl out india in 2003 when mcgrath and warne were not there at home still there was gillespie in good form.Now with brett lee who is a average bowler in tests,
battery of young fast bowlers with out experience and with no body to guide them and no world class spinner australia are going to come rocking down to earth.I heard australia A are The second best side The guy who said this might be wearing his underwear on his head while the top end series was going on.

check out those rankings, its gonna have to be a looooonnnnnggggggggg fall, so get your waiting cap on
I dont think Australia will lose any dominance at all they have a very decent system that allows them to pick new young upcoming players and they wont go and pick the worst look at Hussey he was only 30 when he got international status
Zaibatsu22 said:

check out those rankings, its gonna have to be a looooonnnnnggggggggg fall, so get your waiting cap on

They will surely lose to south africa just 5 points in odis and may be england or india in test championship.The main thing is after gilly and others like hussey and pointing are gone will they fall below bangladesh?

:D :p :eek:

Shevchenko said:
I dont think Australia will lose any dominance at all they have a very decent system that allows them to pick new young upcoming players and they wont go and pick the worst look at Hussey he was only 30 when he got international status

Hussey was a rare exception because the team was winning so he got a chance late also they may find good players but not certainly the caliber of the players like warne and mcgrath they are once in a generation players.
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Cricket_god said:
They will surely lose to south africa just 5 points in odis and may be england or india in test championship.The main thing is after gilly and others like hussey and pointing are gone will they fall below bangladesh?

you dont seem to realise - South Africa have just finished their ODI matches for the season, we have got our series just about to start so therefore we will be picking up points when they are stuck on the same amount of points :cool: Also the test table has not updated with the Ashes results as yet, they will update after the series and as i understand it we have already gained another 6 points on england and if we complete a 5-0 ashes whitewash i think we go out to a lead of 19 points it said on the radio :cool:
Cricket_god said:
Those who say australia are not going to fell the impact of shane warne and other players retiring are fools or just scared to accept it.Like any other
thing any thing that goes up has to come down one day.Reading that article on fox sports which is bit of bullshit .Australia struggled to bowl out india in 2003 when mcgrath and warne were not there at home still there was gillespie in good form.Now with brett lee who is a average bowler in tests,
battery of young fast bowlers with out experience and with no body to guide them and no world class spinner australia are going to come rocking down to earth.I heard australia A are The second best side The guy who said this might be wearing his underwear on his head while the top end series was going on.
And those who say Australia are going to feel the impact of Shane Warne and others players retiring are fools or just scared to accept that they'll always be second best.
Zaibatsu22 said:
you dont seem to realise - South Africa have just finished their ODI matches for the season, we have got our series just about to start so therefore we will be picking up points when they are stuck on the same amount of points :cool: Also the test table has not updated with the Ashes results as yet, they will update after the series and as i understand it we have already gained another 6 points on england and if we complete a 5-0 ashes whitewash i think we go out to a lead of 19 points it said on the radio :cool:

Rankings do not matter many teams will play better than australia does which eventually will so up some day.
symonds_sixes said:
And those who say Australia are going to feel the impact of Shane Warne and others players retiring are fools or just scared to accept that they'll always be second best.

so Australia will never feel the impact of shane warne and Glenn Mcgrath leaving.WOW. losing the leading wicket taker of all time will make a difference.i'm fairly sure of that.
symonds_sixes said:
And those who say Australia are going to feel the impact of Shane Warne and others players retiring are fools or just scared to accept that they'll always be second best.

that answer was expected .If people saw that series against india in 2003
people would know what is life with out warne or mcgrath and what they were to australia.West indies were also at the top for many years but they came down with australia having a better domestic circuit might not come down to that level but will sure feel what it is to be tenth best. :D
Cricket_god said:
Rankings do not matter many teams will play better than australia does which eventually will so up some day.

they will? how do you know? that's your opinion mate, for all you know we could come out even stronger. The only deciding factor on who the best teams are is the ICC official standings, and the current ones show Australia on top in both tests & ODIs, maybe that will change in the future or maybe it wont but the bottom line is thats how it stands now and its ours until its taken, you might think it will get taken but at the end of the day its not in your hands now is it, so until it is my friend i suggest that you stop talking it up, because until Australia are not ranked number one your speculation is just that - SPECULATION.
Zaibatsu22 said:
they will? how do you know? that's your opinion mate, for all you know we could come out even stronger. The only deciding factor on who the best teams are is the ICC official standings, and the current ones show Australia on top in both tests & ODIs, maybe that will change in the future or maybe it wont but the bottom line is thats how it stands now and its ours until its taken, you might think it will get taken but at the end of the day its not in your hands now is it, so until it is my friend i suggest that you stop talking it up, because until Australia are not ranked number one your speculation is just that - SPECULATION.

symonds_sixes said:
And those who say Australia are going to feel the impact of Shane Warne and others players retiring are fools or just scared to accept that they'll always be second best.

Australia are brilliant but even they'll feel the effects of losing a bowler of Warnes quality, potentially McGrath by your next test (after the Ashes). I'd say you're the fool for thinking losing Warne will have no impact whatsoever.
Im going to take a bit of middle ground in this debate. Although I definitely do not agree with somebody who said Australia will fall below Bangladesh, you have to sense that they will feel the loss of Warne, and then McGrath, Langer etc. when they decide to retire. They are all absolutely incredible players and although Australia have other players to call on, I doubt they will be able to match the ability of the current team. For me, the gap between Australia and the rest will close and I think in Test cricket Australia might even be overtaken by India or England (if we can get our act together and everyone fit)

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