The Greatest Allrounder Ever?

Who Is The Greatest Allrounder Ever?

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anandbatra said:
I switch off the TV when he comes in to bat, and switch it back on after 5 minutes, when he gets out.

you mean after he beats indian bowlers black and blue you turn tv on?
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i hate afridi. How Dare he wreck stuart broads hat trick! also should he really be discussed in the greatest all rounders thread?
Drewska said:
He did it last year on the flattest pitch in the history of cricket.

Exactly, a year ago! Surely great all-rounders have more consistency than that?
Err his bowling average that has hovered around 25 for 3 consecutive years is what makes him such a key player. The fact that for those 3 years his batting average was also in the 45's consistently was just a bonus. You just keep digging Gambino, I'll even get you a JCB to speed up the process instead of using that old fashioned spade if you want?
gambino said:
you mean like flintoff?
a 1 test series wonder?

flintoff has been suffering from injurys and is proven class. to say this is pretty thick
nearly every series he's played in since 2003 he's been world class apart from this ashes tour
Drewska said:
Which test series was that? South Africa 2003? West Indies 2004? Ashes 2005? India 2006?

I'll add South Africa 04/05 to that list as well. Gambino, just because a player has one bad tour doesn't make him a bad player. However, failing for an entire calender year like Afridi suggests that he isn't as great as you and others like to make out.
evertonfan said:
I'll add South Africa 04/05 to that list as well. Gambino, just because a player has one bad tour doesn't make him a bad player. However, failing for an entire calender year like Afridi suggests that he isn't as great as you and others like to make out.

Nah Fred wasn't at his best in SA 04/05, batting didn't fire until the later stages and his bowling was good but not spectacular.
Drewska said:
Nah Fred wasn't at his best in SA 04/05, batting didn't fire until the later stages and his bowling was good but not spectacular.

23 wickets in a 5 test series Drew. That's good for a fast bowler in my opinion.

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