The Worst Thing You Ever Done

Worst thing i've done to somebody is probably go on holiday for 2weeks without telling a single soul, when i got back they were all worried sick, had the police involved an everything. Lets be honest, if you 14 and are going on a piss up holiday to Spain with a mate and his dad, you aint gunna go telling your mother are you?

Lad :p

I don't do bad things, I'm just a nice guy :)
Worst thing i've done to somebody is probably go on holiday for 2weeks without telling a single soul, when i got back they were all worried sick, had the police involved an everything. Lets be honest, if you 14 and are going on a piss up holiday to Spain with a mate and his dad, you aint gunna go telling your mother are you?

Haha, that's an awesome story. What did you say to your parents when you left the house?

Worst thing i've done is getting incredibly drunk with a load of mates when I was 15, had far too much Vodka, got home, passed out, happened to land directly on a glass. Result...smashed head, hospital, stitches, annoyed parents. Wasn't the cleverest thing to do, but was a fun night, so meh, parents are just about over it now ;p. I've not actually had straight Vodka since that night though, so 3 years, I've had Vodka and Red Bull but not straight Vodka, I'm sure that'll change on my next holiday though, a good few nights out on the town with my mate are planned :D
Haha, that's an awesome story. What did you say to your parents when you left the house?

Worst thing i've done is getting incredibly drunk with a load of mates when I was 15, had far too much Vodka, got home, passed out, happened to land directly on a glass. Result...smashed head, hospital, stitches, annoyed parents. Wasn't the cleverest thing to do, but was a fun night, so meh, parents are just about over it now ;p. I've not actually had straight Vodka since that night though, so 3 years, I've had Vodka and Red Bull but not straight Vodka, I'm sure that'll change on my next holiday though, a good few nights out on the town with my mate are planned :D

I left the house at 4AM so no one was up, i'd packed and everything but my suitcases are under my bed so i could fill them, without anyone knowing :p

Errr, i'm still not sure i'm forgiven for it to be entirely truthful :p
Threw a plate across the kitchen. Couldn't control my anger....
Acquired the following


lol, EA should drown in water after reading that post.
Well I have not done anythings bad in my life
probably when I want to a city in Pakistan with my mate without telling my family.
I was the perpetartor of a fart that cleared about 15 people away from the fuseball table but allowed by friend to take the rap for it.
When I was about 10, I couldn't get my way, so I ran outside, started banging on the window and smashed it with my bare hands.

Cut my wrist sligtly, I was told that I was very lucky not to have cut it deeper and died.

But I still can't get my way, so What to do now? :rolleyes:
Punch the window harder and deeply cut your wrist ? You'll get plenty of attention then ;) You might die but it's surely worth the risk ?

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