The Worst Thing You Ever Done

Not if Key and co. has anything to do with it!

lol, sounds like a locksmith company XD
Beating the **** out of two kids younger than me. MSN to hear more.
Don't particularly want to :rolleyes:

I suppose smoking for me, now that I think about it, but as I'm quitting that cancels it out ;) SO I'm still perfect :p
Yo I guezz U an't gangster then..well good for U anywayz

Smoking does not make you a gangster, end of.

hmmm...I beat someone up once. Not the worst but I can't think of much right now. My motive for beating the guy up was pretty stupid. If I could I would apologize to him now but I can't.
Smoking does make you a gangster, it's really cool, you should keep it up annoyingdevil. In fact how about smoking 100 packs a day :)
Also, expose yourself (I don't mean take your clothes off) to the Sun 14 hours a day, strap your mobile to your head and re-locate near power lines.
Don't forget to swim in lakes near chemical plants, and take nice, long, steaming hot baths to help you re-produce...
I don’t think he is telling us the real story, of what the “little” kids did to him after they called their “backup”. ;P

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