Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

Well I'm sure he'll welcome any suggestions on how to improve the patch and what you find wrong with it in his patch thread in the downloads forum.
In the meantime there are plenty of other AI patches you can use...
y2j826 said:
i have played with all patches for gameplay, and i think the worst patch to apply over game is TUTSI's Latest patch, however tutsi is moderator and contributes his part in game but personally its worst patch in 2005, lot of wides deliveries and also shots not looks realistic, in this patch we can scorehalf of our scores only with extras, so tutsi have to think about it and have to remake its patch.

Thread has been moved to Tutsi thread where all comments on his patches should be made.
y2j826 said:
i have played with all patches for gameplay, and i think the worst patch to apply over game is TUTSI's Latest patch, however tutsi is moderator and contributes his part in game but personally its worst patch in 2005, lot of wides deliveries and also shots not looks realistic, in this patch we can scorehalf of our scores only with extras, so tutsi have to think about it and have to remake its patch.

look,I have a fair idea on how much effort and time goes into an AI patch,and if a certain patch or a version of it doesnt suit your needs or style,I see no reason to start a new thread and blame the patchmaker.Firstly you arent showing proper respect to the work he has done,and if you really dont like the patch you could have easily pmed tutsi or posted in his thread abt what matter you see the patch lagging behind.If you start new threads on this it maker the patcher look really bad and is in many ways not showing proper respect for the amount of time and effort he put in the patch.Just my thoughts.
dats sad! who is this 'y2j826'...phew....give respect to tutsi re, he works sooo hard, and we can only give reviews regarding the patch, and ask if sum things can b improved....i asked him bout few things wich cud get this game looking more superb... but, as it is a 6 yr old ai tech, so, i u'stand very much...and well, half of ur commments 'y2j826' is not true....i actually dunno y are some ppl talking bout lotsa extras, i've played 2 test matches completely till now, one india-eng at kolkutta, and one eng-aus at eng, one dusty pitch and another hard, and i hav'nt found dat many wides....may b around 10 xtras per innings ....so, i don't b'lieve in the wide thngie...and well, variation of line n length is imp,so, if cpu bowls wide, go fetch itand as he said, cpu will vary their line n length...but,give respect to tutsi,and all ther patch makers....
y2j826 said:
i have played with all patches for gameplay, and i think the worst patch to apply over game is TUTSI's Latest patch, however tutsi is moderator and contributes his part in game but personally its worst patch in 2005, lot of wides deliveries and also shots not looks realistic, in this patch we can scorehalf of our scores only with extras, so tutsi have to think about it and have to remake its patch.

although, i wasnt quite impressed wth the way u put up ur comment.

but anyways, point taken.

i'm currently testing my new tweaks which may set a correct balance between variable line and length and very very few extras.

will update when i'm done testing it.

I am playing a 5 test series between South Africa and Australia on hard using your patch 3.0. I am busy with the 3rd test in the series. Following is some comments based on my experience so far.

I find it very challenging but rewarding if you stick it out. I love the way you balanced the pace of the outfield and the strength of the shots. I have learned so far that the best way to make steady progress is to play it safe with one aim in mind and that is to build up your batsmans confidence (by only playing at balls that I know I will make contact with and leaving the rest). Once the confidence is up, you score at a steady rate. This for me is really very refreshing as all the other patches I always score at 5-6 runs/over minimum without even trying. With your patch I score at about 3.5 runs/over if I play well.

My biggest problems with your patch have already been addressed by other people on the forum so I am really looking forward to your 3.1 update where these problems have been looked at by you and changed.

I really like the cut and pull shot and these shots are very scarce using your patch as there are very few balls that is available, especially for the cut shot. I also have not once played a late cut shot successfully. It might just be that I try to play it to the wrong kind of deliveries and that is why I don't get it right. Would appreciate if you could look at it. I also can't remember ever playing a cover drive, which I have played a lot using some of the other patches.

Thanks for your hard work, I really like your approach to the game as I like to be challenged and not just have a slog to all the corners of the field the whole time. Your patch is the only one that give me the opportunity to sweat it out and work hard for each run.
hey daniel...:) yes, dats wat am loving in tutsi's patch...the test match arena is awesome....the way we sweat it out for scoring runs is sooo realistic...i shud tell u a perfect xample, i myself am playing district cricket here in india, i just invited my team ate who happens to be a middle order batsman, he chose aus, and me as always eng...heheehehe...he batted and he told me , he has never concentrated sooo much in his real cricket game..hehe...dan wat he was doing right now in the game ...its lovely...gud luck tutsi for ur new version...VAKAAO!!
danielcloete said:

I am playing a 5 test series between South Africa and Australia on hard using your patch 3.0. I am busy with the 3rd test in the series. Following is some comments based on my experience so far.

I find it very challenging but rewarding if you stick it out. I love the way you balanced the pace of the outfield and the strength of the shots. I have learned so far that the best way to make steady progress is to play it safe with one aim in mind and that is to build up your batsmans confidence (by only playing at balls that I know I will make contact with and leaving the rest). Once the confidence is up, you score at a steady rate. This for me is really very refreshing as all the other patches I always score at 5-6 runs/over minimum without even trying. With your patch I score at about 3.5 runs/over if I play well.

My biggest problems with your patch have already been addressed by other people on the forum so I am really looking forward to your 3.1 update where these problems have been looked at by you and changed.

I really like the cut and pull shot and these shots are very scarce using your patch as there are very few balls that is available, especially for the cut shot. I also have not once played a late cut shot successfully. It might just be that I try to play it to the wrong kind of deliveries and that is why I don't get it right. Would appreciate if you could look at it. I also can't remember ever playing a cover drive, which I have played a lot using some of the other patches.

Thanks for your hard work, I really like your approach to the game as I like to be challenged and not just have a slog to all the corners of the field the whole time. Your patch is the only one that give me the opportunity to sweat it out and work hard for each run.

thanks for the review.

The thing about cur and cover drive shot, well unless ur using the bowling file while batting, there cant be a situation when u do not get balls outside off to play these shots.
Hi Tutsi,

Please make sure we have as few extras as possible even it means cpu bowls more closer to stumps.I have noticed in one days cpu is trying to hook good length balls on offstump or just outside off some times and not connecting and ended up getting bowled also instead of playing straight drive or some thing like that.Also please make outfields also little more slower and there are still some misfields happening also.If possible please fix those also.Thanks
Hi tutsi havent played for a long time. I liked the patch a lot. I was bowled out as australia for 107 on a green top on hard level and it wasnt very easy to bowl out england..they scored 340 and trescothick scored 107. apart from the bug with the spinners where the ball lobs up in the air with a defensive shot there arent too many bugs.The other bug is that sometimes the bowler bowls waaay down the leg side . Otherwise I like the patch a lot.Its hard to get the batsmen out. Its hard to get edges.The one edge that i got was a no-ball. I like the fact that the bowlers bowl a more varied line and you can play on the offside
thxn guys, as i have said before also, all the mentioned bugs have been fixed. so no read problem ova there.

plz do keep these reviews commin in, it'll help in makin a more realistic patch.
hey tutsi,

Just wanted to know when r u releasing ur next patch.......pls make it soon.............. :cheers
ya, done, i have been busy these days so it kindda slipped outta mind tht i have a patch to release.

See, this is xactly why i say keep posting....;)....that keeps me aware of the current happenings.:D
So Tutsi when are u releasing the patch bro, you never answered the question :D ......cant wait after playing your prvious version , it made the game so realistic.......jus need to add more shot direction which covers the whole ground. :cheers :cheers

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