Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

This problem is occuring due to either 4GB Batpack or Unique Face Patch. This this :

Uninstalling and Re-installing the game is a very good begining. This is what i did too. Then install the 4GB Batpack + Unique Face Patch.

Also, rename the file (65f97901387059afc186b15743d93c47.big) to (65f87901387059afc186b15743d93c47.big).

OR Download and Install the new fixed version of Unique Face Patch, which was released last week or so. I f u have dwonloaded the Unique Face Patch this week then u dont need to rename the file above.

Also, it will be a good idea to talk to Sid., he might be able to help u a bit better coz he is the patch maker for Uniue Face Patch.
so tutsi about your roster patch!
till you release ur new roster patch will other roster files work with your patch 4.0 cos i wanna play against other teams too!!
it depends, the roster file will be relased very very soon.

my roster has player attributes according to my settings in the a.i. configs.

playing with some other roster MAY not give good results.
tutsipoppy2 said:
it depends, the roster file will be relased very very soon.

my roster has player attributes according to my settings in the a.i. configs.

playing with some other roster MAY not give good results.
any idea on day?
like tomorow or day after!!
hey tutsi plz post ur 3.1 patch i wanna play it until u release the full roster for ur new patch
All the Test playing nations have been edited for their attributes.

The Roster will be released by tonight(IST) along with the feature list.

See ya then homies.
tutsipoppy2 said:
All the Test playing nations have been edited for their attributes.

The Roster will be released by tonight(IST) along with the feature list.

See ya then homies.
how far behind is that from gmt?
dude make a patch that would make cpu to bowl on off stump
i am tired of cpu bowling leg stump almost all the time.
make a patch that would make cpu to bowl at off stump/side alot rather than bowling legside leave everything else the way it is i mean dont change alot just make the cpu to bowl on off stump.
Hi Tutsi

Agree with aryan_6668. I am from South Africa and very used to batsman driving and cutting through the offside, often piercing the field for four even with a packed field (do you remember a bloke named Jonty Rhodes diving around at backward-point?). So, getting way to many deliveries on middle and leg is endlessly frustrating and then when you do get a ball outside off it very seldom pierces the field. I suspect it is most propably a tight rope to walk between getting good strokes to pierce the infield and not having them go through to easy in the context of the game. I don't like playing in the air to much, so I like it to pierce the infield.

Anyway, my solution so far was to weaken the accuracy of the bowlers;

Bowling Cursor Size
TargetSizeMin 2.5
TargetSizeMax 3.5

and funnily enough, even though they are bowling outside off much more, it is not like they are bowling all over the place, which makes it still quite competitive. I also edited some of the offside shots to be more powerful, which is quite difficult to get a fine balance with, because as soon as it is too powerful, the fielders just don't stand a chance of stopping the ball and you score at much to high a rate. So, I appreciate the difficulties in getting a fine balance and hope that you with your better understanding and experience might be able to do something about it, especially the cut shot and pull shot.

I must also add, with the changes I made to bowling accuracy, that I only play against the better international teams, so I presume that the weaker teams and domestic teams will bowl much worse with those same changes. Anyways, for me it works really well and I am enjoying the game very much.

tutsipoppy2 said:
All the Test playing nations have been edited for their attributes.

The Roster will be released by tonight(IST) along with the feature list.

See ya then homies.
patch still not released,
how long?
I am getting this error. Can somebody know how to fix it.


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