Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

robertporter said:
tutsi is it ok if l use your attributes and make a updated roster with all the world cup teams, pura cup teams and some others, it will take about two weeks. it this ok i have based it on you attributes from the roster u did in your last patch.

why would u wanna do that when mu current 1.1 patch suppost all the TEST playing nations (except ZIM n BAN) and ALL THE county teams of both AUS and ENG.

So mainly all the minow teams like ZIM, BAN, KEN, USA,etc are left.

Other than that ALL the nations and team have been covered in my v1.1

pali1 said:
really good work mate.
theres a couple of frustrating things that i think need a bit of a touch up firstly the cover drive, it isnt very powerful when you time it right and also it doesnt play the right shot when i select the cover drive, often my batsmen stretches out to the ball thats close on the offside and completely misses it and when the ball is wide down the offside the batsmen trys to hit as if its closer to him and misses it again, sometimes i can get it right but most of the time it plays the rong shot. are you able to fix this? and also the on drive isnt very powerful i struggle to score runs in the mid on/long on area. thanks mate keep up the good work

well i have increase the power of the cover drive and on drive in my upcomming patch.

the thing about the cover drive, there is ntn i can do about it. its the game itsself which chooses the animation based upon the line of the ball. sometimes the game gets confused and chooses the wrong animation. its kindda of a bug. but still i'll see if i can do anything.

gtruter said:

Great work on your latest patch, keep up the good work, Patches like yours are keeping Cricket 2005 alive.

I have the following problems since loading your v4.0 and roster v1.1. In the last few games I have had plenty of LBW decisions with the ball going way down leg and missing leg wicket considerably but still given out. Then I get one that is plumb in front and it is not given out. Not sure if this is due to your tweaking or just my bad luck. But it has only happened since v4.0 was loaded. I have also found that many of the SA fielders suddenly are miss fielding with balls going right between there legs eg: AB de Villiers, Nel. None of them are really that bad at fielding. I had 1 over where AB missed 4 balls straight through his legs.



The thing about LBW is a bug in the game. There is ntn i have done in the a.i. configs.

The thing about missfields, well 1stly a bug in the game causes it more often than it shld happen. 2ndly, as i have reduced the fielding attributes, maybe that is making them mis-fielding a bit more too. Well this is sumthing we'll have to live with coz there is no other way i can reduce the fielder's speed,etc without lowering the attributes. downside is that it may cause them to mis-field a bit more.........sometimes.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Can you do anything about the close-in fielders always turning there backs or going down on there knees and covering there heads. Happens nearly every ball that is hit in there direction?


Hiya Tutsi, with your V3.0 or 3.1 (is 3.1 in the downloads centre?) Is the installation on the readme file?
gtruter said:

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Can you do anything about the close-in fielders always turning there backs or going down on there knees and covering there heads. Happens nearly every ball that is hit in there direction?



Nope, i tried to fix that but ntn works.

Sureshot said:
Hiya Tutsi, with your V3.0 or 3.1 (is 3.1 in the downloads centre?) Is the installation on the readme file?

i didnt get ya.
tutsi another problem!!
sometiems when i hit a back foot offside shot the balls goes to the square leg and goes for 4 or to the fielder!!
Sureshot said:
Does it tell you how and where to install patch 3.0 on the readme?

just extract all the files from the zip into the main cricket 2005 directory.

copy-paste the batting/bowling configs from the new crated directory to the main cricket 2005 folder and play.

y ru still into my older patches when new ones are available.(Roster v1.1)

gambino said:
tutsi another problem!!
sometiems when i hit a back foot offside shot the balls goes to the square leg and goes for 4 or to the fielder!!

which shot r u talking about?
tutsipoppy2 said:
just extract all the files from the zip into the main cricket 2005 directory.

copy-paste the batting/bowling configs from the new crated directory to the main cricket 2005 folder and play.

y ru still into my older patches when new ones are available.(Roster v1.1)

which shot r u talking about?
-> + SHIFT + W
I can never seem to get rosters to work unless I use an instally thing. Could your roster update please be made with one somehow. Ive tried wiothy many peopls before but I think I need it installed.
So the roster is causing system crashes?

Also when i finish an innings i have no 'Quit' Option button in the menu.
So then If i use a patch that requires swapping files between innings, How do i quit?

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