Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

Thats why I oly bother with patches where you don;t need to change. I am lazy like that lol.
This patch certainly makes me feel that the creator of it is from india. Really good work but not good enough if you know what i mean.
irottev said:
Thats why I oly bother with patches where you don;t need to change. I am lazy like that lol.

If you play with the batting patch on while bowling it is still very fun. I can actually play bowling now.
when will your next patch be ready and will the batting be a bit more aggressive
Great Patch but few questions

I must say I play cricket at a pretty good level and am very impressed with V4, but have the following questions:

1. When i lose my second last wicket, the game shuts down and goes back to windows. Why?

2. The Pakistani team has white players in their?

3.When you originaly start a game, what patch do u load as you dont know whether you will bat and bowl. So, what is the exact process when you load the patch for the first innings and second innings?

There are many mor 1's 2's and 3's which are great!!! I believe the fiel could be a bit slower. GREAT JOB TUTSI..I will definitely keep using your patches.

PLay 1 over first, save then quit, and go and chose the file corresponding with the situation.
i have a question ........... i play with my friend with a game pad and keyboard,
so what file should i use when we both are playing..........coz when i use batting files for bowling, everthing is out of place, no one have large ball indicators
i like the strokes ,,,, they are great , i only need them and the slow fielders , what should i do

and then the square cut(for spinners) and square drive usually take edge to leg side? why???????
Only, one of the patches that require no file swapping would work in that situation.

i know off AI Extreme + Spins patches are one file.
I can't get mine to work I have extracted all files and copyed and pasted them but it doesn't work.
I can't even get the roster file to work
I need the answer quickly because I need to do my story I feel everyone is getting impatient (click on my sig to see my story)
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Sureshot said:
Only, one of the patches that require no file swapping would work in that situation.

i know off AI Extreme + Spins patches are one file.

no u dont understand no other patch have this kind of batting shots,,
well i guess i have to deal with it........ but if u could help me in this?? :help :help
Then you can't play 2-Player with it then.

RoboRocks, the patch might not work on games already started.
FAO Tutsi, downloaded your 3.0 patch.

And it's got the Batting and Bowling Folders and another BIG file called:


What is it? And do I need to move that between innings?

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