Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

I don't think you need to move that file. Just the one that starts with 2...
prarara said:
I don't think you need to move that file. Just the one that starts with 2...

I'm not sure if this is close to being correct, but I thougt you had to put the 4....big file in the root directory and keep it there at all times, whilst alternating between the 2bb....big bowling and batting files, in correspondence to what you're doing.
really coz the bowling and batting files have same name so thats wot i was was wndering but wen i bat it seems different and wen i bowl the coursors bigger and thats without swapping?
sum1 explain
I got the Roster file on now.
When I play the cut shot on the back foot I edge it to keeper and slip is that a sign that the patch has worked?
no coz wen i play back foot cut it gets inside edge but check youre bowling coursor

P.S: Sum1 plez tell me which patch has most edges and good batting
punk sk8r said:
no coz wen i play back foot cut it gets inside edge but check youre bowling coursor

P.S: Sum1 plez tell me which patch has most edges and good batting
Probably this one.
My bowling cursor looks as big as a in-game beach ball
James219 said:
I'm not sure if this is close to being correct, but I thougt you had to put the 4....big file in the root directory and keep it there at all times, whilst alternating between the 2bb....big bowling and batting files, in correspondence to what you're doing.

Yeah that's correct. When you use the batting 2bb... then the bowling cursor is bigger so that the opposition will bowl more variety. Similarly, when you switch to the bowling 2bb.. then the cursor is smaller for you. I get so bored of bowling though, that I stick with the batting 2bb as it is more challenging to bowl this way.

Also, if you are getting inside edge on the cut, then the patch is working; if you time the shot better you wont get edged, but be careful so as not to get bowled.
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i dont agree this is the best patch fro edges coz i tried it and i hardly got an edge on any pitch so cud sum1 tell me which one is best for edges and batting
punk sk8r said:
i dont agree this is the best patch fro edges coz i tried it and i hardly got an edge on any pitch so cud sum1 tell me which one is best for edges and batting

Get this patch and get the new Direct X from the Microsoft Website. For some reason that affects the edges a lot as well.
i do have wot do i extract direct x to i just made a normal seperate folder for direct x it had lods of blue files in it and i heard it dont effect everyone but thanks and cud u reply and help me out plez
punk sk8r said:
i do have wot do i extract direct x to i just made a normal seperate folder for direct x it had lods of blue files in it and i heard it dont effect everyone but thanks and cud u reply and help me out plez

You don't really need to extract it...well actually just extract the direct x.zip that you download from Microsoft anywhere you want to. Then you should look at the folder where you extracted it and run the setup file. It may affect you or it may not, but it certainly has made my game better.
Hey Tutsi, In your latest Team Update/Roster..Pakistan has Abdul Razzaq as captain and Poor Inzy is not even in the Playing 11 :p ( Hasan Raza is in his place)...

And even I think Shane Warne is also not in the playing 11..

Also in the West Indies team O.Banks and a couple of others are having white hands and dark faces :p
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