Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

I am confused how to install it...there are three files and no indication of which is which.
tutsi please put ur patch 4.0 back up mate!!! I loved the beta but never got a chance to download the final version. THe patches do help us and cricket 2005 is still improving with ur patches. I would really appreciate if u could re post a download link for me and manee.

sorry budies.....i dont have on my pc. i deleted them ages back.

dont worry man, i'm gonna release a new and final patch for cricket 2005 maybe tonight or tommorow.

i dont think u'll find the values very useful in my new patch. but when u play with it, its a totally different experience all together.
OK...I currently hooked on Boss' because I find it the best thing since sliced bread so your patch will have to be good to convert me
tutsi with your v4.0 i put the batting big file and the main big file in my root directory but after i load the roster and start a game it crashes as the game starts. When I play with the patch with the original roster. I tried my other rosters and the same thing happened. I rlly want to use the roster with the patch. The rosters usually work without the patch. Please help
Tutsi's A.I. Patch V5.0 Released

1. Well this is a major update from the from the previous v4.0 patch. Those of you who have tested my beta test patch might know what i'm talkng about. So this is a complete patch.

2. It works for all game modes, ODIs, Tests, County, 20-20 and every other tournament.

3. It works for all the difficulty modes(Normal/Hard) and all 10,20,45,50, Unlimited over matches.

4. Many shots have been made powerfull and many have been tweaked for their direction.

5. The main attraction of this patch is its all new Gameplay. It will give u a completely different experience. Playing a Test and ODI will be two completely different experience.

6. you'll have to plan ur playing style differently for both ODIs and Test, otherwise u'll be out of the game in no time.

7. Many other minor tweaks which are too painfull to remember and post.

I hope u like my last poatch from Cricket 2005. Ofcourse bugs will be fixed(if any) but there aint gonna be a v6.0 for this game.

Just post ur comment and keep this old a.i. patcher alive...:D:D:D:D
wow it should look good. i just got crkt 05 2 days ago and have found that your patches are the best. I find it easy to play and i also think vinays patches are good. Keep up the good work. BTW can some one make a tutorial on how to make a gameplay patch
Hi Tutsi

My initial feelings are (playing a test on hard) that I don't have enough patience to play with your patch. All the shots look really good and I like the speed of the outfield etc., but that doesn't mean a thing as even after playing for about 30 overs I haven't been able to hit one shot through the off side that did not go to a fielder, 90% of my runs is scored on the leg side. I specifically did not try to go over the top, as that is not the way I think test match cricket should be played.

Anyways, I will play a bit more, using different teams and see what happens. I will also try to play a bit more aggressively (over the top) and see if it goes better.

So, what I am thinking is if you can make some more shots pierce the infield (especially the cut and cover drive shots), the patch would be really great. There are lot of things I like about the patch such as the way you have to time your defensive shots else you can get bowled by a yorker, the amount of play and miss for good delivery balls and also the fact that if you play your shots to early, you have a good chance of getting caught in the slips.

Thanks for your efforts to make EA's poor implementation of a sport I love, much more fun.
afridi25 said:
BTW can some one make a tutorial on how to make a gameplay patch

Boss has already made a nice tutorial on making AI patches... and Sid has also demonstrated Boss's patch with values !!!
danielcloete said:
Hi Tutsi

My initial feelings are (playing a test on hard) that I don't have enough patience to play with your patch. All the shots look really good and I like the speed of the outfield etc., but that doesn't mean a thing as even after playing for about 30 overs I haven't been able to hit one shot through the off side that did not go to a fielder, 90% of my runs is scored on the leg side. I specifically did not try to go over the top, as that is not the way I think test match cricket should be played.

Anyways, I will play a bit more, using different teams and see what happens. I will also try to play a bit more aggressively (over the top) and see if it goes better.

So, what I am thinking is if you can make some more shots pierce the infield (especially the cut and cover drive shots), the patch would be really great. There are lot of things I like about the patch such as the way you have to time your defensive shots else you can get bowled by a yorker, the amount of play and miss for good delivery balls and also the fact that if you play your shots to early, you have a good chance of getting caught in the slips.

Thanks for your efforts to make EA's poor implementation of a sport I love, much more fun.

thnx for the review.

well in test matches, u have to play patiently. well initially ur runs will come from the leg side, but as to gain more confidence and the bowlers wear out, hitting the ball through the fielders will be easier.

u will have to go ovre the top a little bit to gain some confidence and pust the fielders back.

i have only implemented stuff which i have seen on tv. As a big cricket follower, i try to implement realistic gameplay in my patches.

so my latest patch is as close to real as it can get.
surendar said:
Boss has already made a nice tutorial on making AI patches... and Sid has also demonstrated Boss's patch with values !!!
yeah butb the config editor is for 2004 can i get one for 2005 cos i can't find one

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