Tutsi's A.I. Patches

well.....i'm removing the old ones coz a lot of new members are alwyas confused as to what is the latest patch and all. so to avoid any confusion and also many times people post comments about the earlier patch which i think are of the latest one.
hi guys...so here is it......the FINAL VERSION OF 7.2 PATCH.

7.2final-NEW = It is the patch with the New Batting Tech.

7.2final-OLD = It is the patch with the Old Batting Tech.

Some of the *NEW* things in this patch :

1. 4 new strokes have been edited, so some of those getaway six shots are noe hard to hit.

2. Pacing files for 45,50 have edited to make it more realistic.

3. Well i have posted the solution of BatWindowIdealSize on he forum before, in this patch it will be implemented so batsman leaving straight balls should be fixed.

4. Couple of others strokes and all have been twekaed.

5. Other minor tweaks to improve gameplay.

Download......NJOY.....and Keep those comments comming in.
Is it just the "advance" six hit shots that have been made harder? :)
Great Tutsi gonna try it soon also i will use ur patch for final7.2 in my Natwest series
I think "advance" six hit shots was hard already
I scored 6 using that only twice in 13 games I played with tutsi 7.2 beta

anyway I'll try this new patch and lets see what happens

great work tutsi and thanks a lot mate
Great tutsi I will give it a go.I hope it is the best patch,cause I am starting to like ravis patches.....
guys guys guys...52 downloads till now....and not even a single comment after playing a match with the patch.........

where r u guys...???
well didn't post a review because its just like last patch not a significant difference (7.2final-NEW) although I think cpu plays more sensibly now...anyway its a great patch and haven't had any difficulties so far...so get it and enjoy :)
A few thoughts about the new patch-
Batting- really tough.CPu bowls a very tight line, no wides at all , very few long hops.I thought that they bowled way too many yorkers-sometimes 2-3 per over.It is very tough to play some of these yorkers as I either get bowled or lbw. I started chasing australias 186 and was going at 4.3 till the 15th over.Then it becomes very tough to get runs with the slightly spread out field and very tight bowling.Several times I collapsed and lost 7-8 wickets in a space of 30 runs!The sweep is not easy and sometimes goes for a top edge to the keeper.Short balls are very difficult to hook .I found the game very challenging.
Bowling- I had a very interesting experience. On a hard pitch I had West indies down to 85/7 of 17 overs and I thought here we go again , its too easy to get them out. But the next two batsmen were impossible to get out and they played for 34 more overs and scored a more respectable 180 all out. They did not take any chances and kept trying to go for singles. I still feel that the top order comes out blazing each time and hits a lot of aerial shots and if you place your field smartly , you can get them out. In the previous game I got the aussies out for 182. Having said that, since the batting is so tough, chasing 182 was not at all easy. I finally got to 183/9 off the last delivery- the match was really thrilling!!!
Yeah tutsi this patch makes the game fun :) I like it alot.

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