TV Series General Discussion


I can't take that irresponsible man-child humor anymore. Maybe I'm getting too old but I just can't get past the characters to enjoy the humor.

Except Danny DeVito ofc
Any of you guys watch The Wire?, one of my friends recommended it, don't really trust him though. :p


Good rating on IMDB, can be misleading for TV shows though.
It's entertaining and has a good plot but disappointing by HBO standards.

Has some great actors and characters in it. Worth a watch I'd say


also enjoying new Peep Show.

"That is so Gerard"
i don't think that's where the humour lies, well it is. But they are all terrible, terrible people.

I know it's a bit of an overused trope, but it's far better than anything else like it.
New Peep Show is really good. David Mitchell is one of my favourite comedians.
i don't think that's where the humour lies, well it is. But they are all terrible, terrible people.

I know it's a bit of an overused trope, but it's far better than anything else like it.

Totally agree. Started watching it the other week and I love it.

The Wire is one of the shows you have to have seen in your lifetime.
I also like how love isn't the be main focus of the show. like pretty much every sitcom, romantic relationships are just a tiny part of it, because they are all too selfish and scummy to actually care about anyone else
Already seen Inbetweeners.Excellent show.Thanks for the suggestion though.Thinking of watching spaced now.

I will have to see spaced, might have to watch it. I suggest Modern Family. It is american, but funny.

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