TV Series General Discussion

Alright, Homeland Season 1 finale was both disappointing and anticlimactic IMO, it looked so much promising and tensed but it was pretty lame at the end. But I should give it another chance because it seems Season 2 is lot better.
I thought it was pretty good. You didn't really expect Brody to be blown up so soon in the series, did you?
Next time, make sure you quote the post before when you're only replying in spoilers tag. I didn't knew whom you were replying at first :p

No I didn't mean that, I mean it was just a lame ending. There were no secrets revealed, action scenes, serious discussions etc you'll expect in the finale of crime/thriller series. I mean after watching the episode it didn't felt that you immediately want more. There was no suspense to keep you holding for one year more before next season. It was a decent for an episode but not for finale surely.
Holy ----! Finally updated with Breaking Bad. What a season this has been especially after mid half of Season 4. If there were any doubts on my mind about this show brilliance, it has all gone now. Easily the Best TV Series I have EVER watched. It's difficult to even think how this show can continuously maintain it's top quality throughout. Just when you think, this episode can't get any better, you're proved wrong again.
Is anybody else waiting eagerly for Psych new season premiere?I was annoyed when they didn't start it last fall.
Around 2 weeks left now.
Holy ----! Finally updated with Breaking Bad. What a season this has been especially after mid half of Season 4. If there were any doubts on my mind about this show brilliance, it has all gone now. Easily the Best TV Series I have EVER watched. It's difficult to even think how this show can continuously maintain it's top quality throughout. Just when you think, this episode can't get any better, you're proved wrong again.

What do you think will happen now?

I have strong feeling that someone of Walt Family will die in the end, most probably his wife maybe because of his actions in the past so Walt will regret for becoming so egoistic. Anyways, I won't predict much since I would like to be surprised by the writers what they can come up with.

I have strong feeling that someone of Walt Family will die in the end, most probably his wife maybe because of his actions in the past so Walt will regret for becoming so egoistic. Anyways, I won't predict much since I would like to be surprised by the writers what they can come up with.

Yeah, can't wait until summer!
Walking Dead tonight! :D

Very underwhelming episode. Nothing actually happened apart from (spoiler). I felt like although the episode lasted 40 minutes, it all happened in a 5 minute (real) time frame. There were a few subplots going on, and none of them advanced at all. Also, the end of the episode which was meant to shock and make me look forward to next week didn't really excite.

Daryl leaving with Merle
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I might have asked this before, does anyone watch Community?

yes it's amazing. Remedial Chaos Theory is quite frankly the best 22 minute piece of television I have ever seen. It's essentially perfect. Incredible writing. Makes seinfeld look like it was written by a 14 year old.
I have watched season 1-3 except maybe last 5 episodes of season 3.Community is good.

the end of season 3 was so strong. the video game episode is epic. Odd actually as it isn't particularly funny (about an average episode) it's just amazing.

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