Panel of Selectors
Is it only me that hasnt found Breaking Bad that exciting? The hype around it is astronomical, and I am at season 2 episode 7 and so far it has been a good show but not a "great" one.
Had a same opinion at the start. But went on IMDB to check episode ratings and by the looks of it, it seems that real drama start after mid half of Season 3 or at beginning of Season 4. I think Season 2 is just for character development but let's see since I have yet to finish it. Will probably finish the Season 2 today. The acting is top notch btw.Is it only me that hasnt found Breaking Bad that exciting? The hype around it is astronomical, and I am at season 2 episode 7 and so far it has been a good show but not a "great" one.
Is it only me that hasnt found Breaking Bad that exciting? The hype around it is astronomical, and I am at season 2 episode 7 and so far it has been a good show but not a "great" one.
Fully caught up with 'The Walking Dead'. I love this show! Although, I guess I don't need to say that since I literally watched 2 and a half seasons in a week. Does anyone else on here watch it?
Just finished watching Breaking Bad Episode 7 (One Minute) of Season 3. Wow! Breathtaking episodeThe final 10 minutes of episode probably made the best episode I ever watched on TV.
Everybody Loves Raymond is great. Not as great as Seinfeld of course, but the better of what they're showing here right now.
Done with Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Another brilliant episode. Unfortunately may have to wait bit longer now before starting it's next season. Busy schedule isn't going to help me. With the last episode of Season 3, I can only imagine how awesome Season 4 and 5 are going to be.