Update Later Today

This shouldn't lead people to think the game is easier. It isn't. Badly timed shots get you out. But it's fairer. You get value for shots and the ball goes to ground as a default unless you miss time it completely.

Absolutely, and if I could like this post 100 times I would. Now the game rewards you for playing well, which is as it should be.
Trolling hard on here hoping to hear good news on the patch submission for console.

I can't wait! It's killing me
I thought you were getting the PC version?
Hee hee...[DOUBLEPOST=1409591963][/DOUBLEPOST]

To clarify: am on amateur - medium fast at around 70mph and fast at around 79mph - does that sound right for amateur?

Yeah that sounds about right: amatuer is a good 30 kmp/h slower than pro etcetra...
Yeah that sounds about right: amatuer is a good 30 kmp/h slower than pro etcetra...

Thanks for that.

Just saw a fielder sliding along the ground (while upright) in order to take a catch he would otherwise get nowhere near - yep: teleporting.
Thanks for that.

Just saw a fielder sliding along the ground (while upright) in order to take a catch he would otherwise get nowhere near - yep: teleporting.

Is that on the 1.12 patched version? Haven't seen that happen at all since then.....
To clarify: am on amateur - medium fast at around 70mph and fast at around 79mph - does that sound right for amateur?

Sorry i wouldn't know only play on pro/vet
Any specific bowler name? You might want to verify his skills as downloaded player might have modified pace skills. Not really sure, just a thought.
Thoughts on the ball slowing up as it reaches the boundary rope? Anyone else experience this? I find it very hard to hit grounded boundaries now and the ones I do get are the stupid ones where the fielder collects the ball but steps onto the rope.
Thoughts on the ball slowing up as it reaches the boundary rope? Anyone else experience this? I find it very hard to hit grounded boundaries now and the ones I do get are the stupid ones where the fielder collects the ball but steps onto the rope.

Nope, not really noticed much of an issue to be honest with you. I mean sure, some shots do slow up under some circumstances, but that's to be expected. I'm still hitting plenty of boundaries even on legend.

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