Update Later Today

Got to do it for those sales.

Sadly it's going to be worse this generation. The PS4 was already out of date by the time it hit market, and the Xbone is considerably worse than it. I've just got this image in my head of the PC being shackled to a sick looking PS4, holding the hand and dragging an Xbone with it.
Yeah, the 360 was actually quite powerful when it came onto the market (nearly 9 years ago!!!) if I remember correctly, and the PS3 was somewhat decent despite releasing a bit later... Now, both of the consoles are utter crap already from launch. They will definitely be a ball and chain on gaming in the coming years, especially as we get further into their life cycle.
Is it just me, or are fast medium bowlers locked at 70mph since the patch? Most of the patch has provided nothing but positives but this is one negative I've found.[DOUBLEPOST=1409491958][/DOUBLEPOST]
Got to do it for those sales.

Sadly it's going to be worse this generation. The PS4 was already out of date by the time it hit market, and the Xbone is considerably worse than it. I've just got this image in my head of the PC being shackled to a sick looking PS4, holding the hand and dragging an Xbone with it.

Yep - unfortunately, I think you're right. Oh well, enjoy it while we can I guess - DBC is amazing, and will get even better and Fifa 15 looks very good so far although, just like DBC, a demo at least is required to truly gauge the gameplay.
Is it just me, or are fast medium bowlers locked at 70mph since the patch? Most of the patch has provided nothing but positives but this is one negative I've found.

Not had the problem myself... bowl around the 86mph-76mph roughly for me.
Just played a few games after the new update. It definitely seems like the difficulty on the lower setfings had been made easier. Certainly seems easier to take wickets. The batting seems improved.
@BigAntStudios - is there any plan to fix the whole issue of the captaincy not following you if you move yourself in the batting order. I'm the first class captain for my county, and frankly I like to come in at different times depending on how the innings is going, but it's frustrating then having another member of the team decide that it's suddenly time to declare (for example), or not being able to change the order again for the second innings as appropriate. Likewise for selecting bowlers but I do that less often.
Yeah, the 360 was actually quite powerful when it came onto the market (nearly 9 years ago!!!) if I remember correctly, and the PS3 was somewhat decent despite releasing a bit later... Now, both of the consoles are utter crap already from launch. They will definitely be a ball and chain on gaming in the coming years, especially as we get further into their life cycle.

At the time of release the Xbox 360 was better than anything reasonable at the time. The PS3 was the more powerful of the two consoles, but there were options for PCs more powerful than it by the time it came to market.

The difference this time around though is that we have the PS4, which there are reasonably priced options already better than it, and the Xbone which is considerably less powerful. Both consoles have hit their limit with games, Watch Dogs being a great example, and there are rumours that it was downgraded for the PC to prevent the comparison being any more damaging.

This is part of the reason I get the suspicion that consoles are going to die out eventually. The key is that the distribution method and consumer confidence in PCs needs to increase quite a bit. There was once a time though that "video game consoles" were the poison chalice to many (post the gaming crash in the 80s), but it managed to recover (thanks to Nintendo) back then.

We'll see what happens though.
At the time of release the Xbox 360 was better than anything reasonable at the time. The PS3 was the more powerful of the two consoles, but there were options for PCs more powerful than it by the time it came to market.

The PS3 had about half the RAM, which became a huge issue about 3 years ago when Skyrim was released. It took Bethesda nearly 2 years to fully solve the problem of items persisting in the world causing the game to crash consistently. Coming from a Sony fan myself, I can say that memory was the PS3s achilles heel (as well as the challenging architecture to code for).
The PS3 had about half the RAM, which became a huge issue about 3 years ago when Skyrim was released. It took Bethesda nearly 2 years to fully solve the problem of items persisting in the world causing the game to crash consistently. Coming from a Sony fan myself, I can say that memory was the PS3s achilles heel (as well as the challenging architecture to code for).

Not strictly true, they both had the same amount of RAM, but the PS3 had dedicated RAM for both the CPU and GPU at 256 MB a piece, whilst the Xbox 360 had 512 MB shared across both. It's also worth noting the Xbox 360 only had GDDR3 RAM, whilst the PS3 had XDR RAM for the 256 MB primary RAM, with GDDR3 RAM for the GPU. In effect the PS3 had better RAM, and as much, and architecturally it was "better", but as it couldn't be shared across like with the slower Xbox 360 (sharing RAM isn't favourable for performance) it could lead to bottlenecks when developers were simply porting games to the PS3 (which is what tended to happen). This coupled with the PS3's larger amount of power elsewhere technically made it the better console, but the difficulty programming on it, and the fact that most games ended up cross platform and ported to it lead to issues.

The PS3 was the better console on paper, but it wasn't great for developers. There was a lot of potential, but actually using it was the tough part, and for most it just isn't worth making a PS3 only game.

If I recall what I heard about it's development, the above was a large part of the reason for the PS4 being "simpler" in that respect. It's more a case of having a good console to code and port to, rather than the untamable monster that Sony tried to make the PS3.
I'll tell you how good this new patch is - finally scored my first century off 105 balls. Was out six balls later nicking the spinner, but I survived nearly 40 overs in the game (I open the bat). Prior to the patch the longest I survived was 22 overs. This shouldn't lead people to think the game is easier. It isn't. Badly timed shots get you out. But it's fairer. You get value for shots and the ball goes to ground as a default unless you miss time it completely.

And, I also came close to running out my partner going for the 100. Just like real life!

I know it might seem like I've drunk the Kool Aid with all the praise I'm giving BA, but with this patch they've created a stunningly good game.

Gotta love hearing all this positive feedback with this new patch the pc guys are experiencing.

When Patch 2 came out I restarted my career and it went well but when I finished my 1st yr I got selected for my national side and u know what happened then I went up max level to Legend. Of course cause I started on Pro.

It kills me that I haven't scored a century and I have come so close only to be dismissed in the silliest way. (Aerial leg glance) or (blocking a spinner) . I'm so glad that's all being tweaked now. I have scored about 11 half centuries or so in test and 7 half centuries in my 1st yr in career with the best of 77 for SA in a ODI on Legend.

I'm sure that 1st century is coming as soon as this patch hits my xbox, cause I want to earn that 1st century not save and exciting like most people on here saying they've scored double & triple centuries. (Sorry for those who scored centuries for real on veteran and legend)

Anyways like hearing feedback from the pc boys. Makes me happy to hear the 1st close to perfect cricket game is even getting beter.
Happy Gaming
Just remember guys that tiny update is just that... much more to be changed/added/tweaked So don't get too comfy on the batting paradise ;)

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