Update Later Today

Will patch 3 roll out to PC before the consoles, or are you trying to get patch 3 console okayed before rolling it out to PC this time as to not give any platform a headstart?

It's not about giving platforms a headstart man. The simple fact is that consoles have a validation process, so patches can only come live when it has been approved by MS & Sony, and that can take a lot of time. PC is the ideal test bed for changes at the moment purely because with the way Steam works, patches can be pushed out almost instantly.
Its always happened my friend,it happens when you appeal straight away.What me and my friend do is if that happens,say im batting,i will let him bowl me next ball.You and your friend should reach an agreement about this before u play.
it was quite funny one time though,let me explain.Had my friend caught behind,low and behold still there next ball.So i bowl him out next ball,guess what happens?,yes bowled out bug.So i bowled again,guess?yes bowled out bug again.Had him out 3 times in the over and he was still there at the end of it.
You just got to laugh i suppose,my friend was creased up,me not so:mad

Bowled out bug seems to have been fixed, don't remember the last time I faced it, however the caught behind bug is very persistent, happens very frequently, funny thing is that the umpire raises finger, players start to celebrate and the next thing you know, batsman didn't return to the pavilion lol.

I have high hopes for patch 3, hope it'll fix those silly outs and not outs bugs. By outs bug I mean the run out and stumping bug, 3rd umpire = 99% of the times out even if the batsman makes it to the crease.
It's not about giving platforms a headstart man. The simple fact is that consoles have a validation process, so patches can only come live when it has been approved by MS & Sony, and that can take a lot of time. PC is the ideal test bed for changes at the moment purely because with the way Steam works, patches can be pushed out almost instantly.

I know that, I was just wondering from the wording as last I'd heard was that patch 3 was the next intended patch on the consoles, and they mentioned a new patch coming for them, which as patch 3 hadn't reached PC yet seemed a bit odd considering the time it takes for such a process to be completed. As they submitting it would suggest "patch 3" was done, that suggested that patch 3 should have reached PC now or any time now.

As it turns what they were talking about was patch "2.5", and patch 3 will come to PC first as expected.
I think you'll just see a distinction made between the parts of the patch that are bug fixes and tweaks - which naturally need to hit PC first for testing; and the 'Patch 3' feature additions, like co-op and that other thing and possible other thing.
I think you'll just see a distinction made between the parts of the patch that are bug fixes and tweaks - which naturally need to hit PC first for testing; and the 'Patch 3' feature additions, like co-op and that other thing and possible other thing.

My real question for patch 3 at this point (beyond AI balance, and the given out, celebrated, but then suddenly called a dot ball for some reason bug) is whether they've expanded the academy and modding options at this point.
It would be great if somehow more stats can be included in Patch-3...Strike Rate/Economy Rate/Maidens/Number of 6 & 4 etc...
@Ross :Are the file format in PC and Console different from each other??
@fiction :Is there possibility of separate field and batting aerial circle HUD??

As I play without HUD but need the aerial circle to watch the ball on the field while batting but not for batting..
It's unlikely to add more stats because of memory constraints in the old-gen consoles.
Those stats are calculated anyway - strike rate is shown when you get out (or at milestones), maidens are shown on the scoreboard of the ground, 6s and 4s are shown on the 'Big Wheel' and calculated for addition to the overall batting stats (which are tracked for all players without problem), and economy rate (also added to stats) is a simple calculation.

It would be a matter of making more visible the information the game is already calculating and dealing with internally.

I would continue to plead for the inclusion on the score hud of the amount of overs remaining in a match - even if it's just an occasional slide out like the current run rate and things like that are - but it makes an absolutely huge difference to how you play and the enjoyment of close finishes to two-innnings matches. It's already shown and accurate on the ground scoreboard.

And that's before you get to adding things like Manhattan charts, the Worm, etc. might involve some extra effort - but would certainly be appreciated by many and get the game closer to previous cricket games in terms of the scope of stats available to the player.
^this guy gets it.

Half the stuff we want on the HUD scoreboard already exists on a scoreboard we can't see!

IMO the "worm" should be easy since the game already calculates balls, runs and run-rates. It just needs the slapping of an excel line chart to calculate that in the game...

I mean, sure it's prolly harder than that, but the "maths" is already being done by the game.
It's unlikely to add more stats because of memory constraints in the old-gen consoles.
How about on PC?

I can't expect you guys to completely branch off the 360/PS3 and PC versions, but it would be a shame if so many things were excluded from the PC version simply because the console's aren't capable. I guess we'll probably see more progress made when the ancient 360/PS3 are abandoned and the series can continue on PC/PS4/XB1.
Hi Fiction -

With every cricket game that's ever been released, including this one to some extent unfortunately, I've always been disappointed that things like scorecards and bowling stats are hidden away in a menu instead of displayed occasionally. I don't know if this can be done in a patch, but who else would rather see other stats like the scorecard/bowling stats displayed after the over instead of the pitch map all the time? Also, why not display the scoreboard or bowling stats during those unskippable cutscenes when changing the field, or the even longer one when a batsman is dismissed? At least then we'll have something interesting to skim over. Personally, I never even bother looking at scorecards because I CBA to pull up the menu all the time.

Finally, I'd like an option to see what time it is during the day, as well as some sort of announcement when it's a new day after coming back from simulating a whole load of the game.


One other thing, when playing in Pro cam or pro cam when running, sometimes the batsman's arm can obscure where the ball has gone. I know it's possible to 'ghost' the batsman but that just looks weird - would it be possible to 'ghost' the batsman automatically after the shot is played so you can always see where the ball has gone?

Following on from that I find that running in pro cam works fine when you're the striker but as the non striker it can be a bit hit and miss simply because your batsman doesn't turn his head quickly enough so you can always see where the ball has gone. I propose having the ability to have a different run cam for striker and non striker - with striker having pro cam when running and non striker having Fielding 2 or something. Or at least a picture in picture, so you can clearly see where the ball has gone? It's easy to say have Fielding 2 for all running, but then you don't get to see the ball disappearing to the boundary out of your own eyes and that's one of the most satisfying things about batting in this game for me. (Of course, having manual control of your head via Track IR would solve this issue...)

What do you guys think?[DOUBLEPOST=1409484080][/DOUBLEPOST]
How about on PC?

I can't expect you guys to completely branch off the 360/PS3 and PC versions, but it would be a shame if so many things were excluded from the PC version simply because the console's aren't capable. I guess we'll probably see more progress made when the ancient 360/PS3 are abandoned and the series can continue on PC/PS4/XB1.

Ha yeah - it's ridiculous when a game is tied to the industry's slowest machines and naturally it'll happen eventually with PS4/XB1 as well.
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Ha yeah - it's ridiculous when a game is tied to the industry's slowest machines and naturally it'll happen eventually with PS4/XB1 as well.

Got to do it for those sales.

Sadly it's going to be worse this generation. The PS4 was already out of date by the time it hit market, and the Xbone is considerably worse than it. I've just got this image in my head of the PC being shackled to a sick looking PS4, holding the hand and dragging an Xbone with it.

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