Story Watch India play a test series against New Zealand

Who will win the current tri series?

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Respected Legend
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Apr 26, 2003
Hello all, I hope all enjoyed my recent India plays Pakistan in a Home Series thread. India won the test series 2-1 and the ODI series 3-2. Going by the success of that thread, I have decided to keep writing stories here and I take up India as my user team as I play for them against many cricketing nations! All the cricket matches, series, tournaments, etc that I play will be listed under this thread! Once a series or a tournament gets over, it will be updated in the first post of this thread so that people can go to the respective page and start reading about the series that is being currently played!
Series Completed

India plays Pakistan in a Home series

India vs Sri Lanka - 5 ODI's

As series and tournaments are completed, this section will be updated!
Series currently being played!

India vs England Vs New Zealand - Triangular series

Fixtures of the Triangular Series

More series and tournaments will be updated as
Patches & Tools to be used

Line Up Editor, Sound Editor, Config Editor, Graphics Importer from Prakash
AI Patch: Ravi's ODI patch (edited) for the ODI's against Sri Lanka
Latest kits for all teams!
Sav Tweak
Fixtures Editor from Ajit
Sam's Cricket 2004 Run Out Exe, wk_timer Beta from Sam
Latest Faces for the players involved!
Latest roster.pak file (ZoraxDoom)
Sky Sports TV Graphics (Ste)
Modified Fields from Boss

More to be updated!
I hope the readers here are able to enjoy my threads! As usual, feedback and comments are the best tonic for any story writer here and I have found that out writing in this forum. Hope to receive the same amount of feedback and comments for this thread!
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Can't wait for this sai!
best of luck mate. your india series with pakistan was great. im sure this will be just as good. hopefully murali will bowl well enough to trouble you. id be more interested if sri lanka were playing the tests actually. more even competition with 2 subcontinent teams going at it on a dust bowl would have been great viewing. much like paksitan i guess. anyway best of luck to you
MWaugh said:
best of luck mate. your india series with pakistan was great. im sure this will be just as good. hopefully murali will bowl well enough to trouble you. id be more interested if sri lanka were playing the tests actually. more even competition with 2 subcontinent teams going at it on a dust bowl would have been great viewing. much like paksitan i guess. anyway best of luck to you

Dont worry.. India playing on NZ green tops would be interesting too. Since the user always has an advantage of field placings, etc, it should be almost as much challenging..

And Sri Lanka is touring India in November this year. So I will play a India-Sri Lanka test series for sure as it comes..

borncricketer said:
me too wating for the series to start

sohail said:
Can't wait for this sai!

Hopefully, it is interesting enough for you both to read!

The Champ said:
Happy to be the first one to post here sai, great tour of NZ coming up, but not much interested in Sri odis though, dont know why

anyway all the best

Now, thats a challenge for me. To make you interested throughout the whole series. I vow to win this challenge!!!
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saisrini80 said:
Dont worry.. India playing on NZ green tops would be interesting too. Since the user always has an advantage of field placings, etc, it should be almost as much challenging..

And Sri Lanka is touring India in November this year. So I will play a India-Sri Lanka test series for sure as it comes..

sounds good mate. it will be a challenge on a moving pitch. good luck
Indian squad for the 5 match ODI series

Here is the Indian squad of 20 for the 5 match ODI series against Sri Lanka.


Doesnt look much different from the squad that played against pakistan in the ODI series!

Saurav Ganguly' Interview before the series


Ganguly was seen jubilant at the press conferrence before the ODI series against Sri Lanka. He was calm and answered all questions from the media. Some excerpts of his interview

How do you feel before the start of this series?

It feels good. The whole team is very confident. We have beaten Pakistan and that gives us great confidence. I do not believe in the favorites tag but I would say we hold a slight edge over Sri Lanka this series

What do you think was instrumental in India's win over Pakistan?

Determination to succeed under pressure situations is the main thing that won us that series. We all have been in pressure situations before and all those experience came in handy for us in this series.

How are you planning to go about for this Sri Lankan series?

The same way we went about the Pakistan series. The Sri Lankans are good players of spin and have the likes of Chandana and Muralitharan in their ranks. So, it will be a very challenging series. The wickets look to be spinner friendly. So, it will be a great contest as it was against Pakistan

Lots of reports have come about your slump in batting form. Though you scored some runs against Pakistan, still one feels you are due for a big one!

Being the captain of the side doubles the expectation and one has to cope up with it. I agree that in the past season, I have not had big scores. I am really determined to put it across and come up with a big one in the upcoming series!

Your prediction on the winner?

I somehow get the feeling this series might be really close. Its too early to predict a result. Lets wait and watch what happens. I hope I am able to guide India to a victory!
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Dont worry.. India playing on NZ green tops would be interesting too.

The first story that I posted online was my Eng Tour of NZ (3 tests and 5 ODIs). I remember I found it very tough to bat on the green tops, and 3 of the 5 ODIs were very low scoring matches. I won the ODIs 3-2 and drew the tests 1-1. It was awesome, and I am sure you will also enjoy the tour.
m_vaughan said:
The first story that I posted online was my Eng Tour of NZ (3 tests and 5 ODIs). I remember I found it very tough to bat on the green tops, and 3 of the 5 ODIs were very low scoring matches. I won the ODIs 3-2 and drew the tests 1-1. It was awesome, and I am sure you will also enjoy the tour.

Was it? Hopefully, I get to enjoy this tour.. I know batting on green tops are tough.. I have encountered tht!

E=MC said:
can't wait for this Sai.. should be great!

Thanks E=MC. Good that you too are following even though Pakistan is not here!

This series is sponsored by Coca Cola Ltd. So will be using Coke Pitch Ads and stumps!
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faraz haider said:
waiting for the starting of this serries

Thanks. It will start tomorrow.. The first ODI between India and Sri Lanka is at Kolkatta and will be a Day/Night affair!
YEs starting tomorrow.. its going to be fun... hope there are big scores made again

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