WC 2007 Final

Staying up is not hard guess who has done it to see all the minnows once every australian game and the finals!!! ME!!!
Its gotten into my head I cant sleep properly now!!!
Hooper said:
I know Australia is going to win, just look at the stats, form and the players in our team compared to Sri Lanka!? All-Round we have the right to be confident and look at the odds, pretty long odds for Sri Lanka, considering its the FINAL!

Yes England does have something to do with it, because as an England fan, you obviously don't like the Australians, so therefore your going to want Australia to play poorly and not win.

And yes, being an Australian who supports a variety of world sports, I have felt disappointment a lot. Soccer (Football)? Nearly qualifying for the WC in '98 and then blowing it felt like sh*t and getting crap from the poms at school all the time was pretty pathetic. But we didn't whinge and say "Bah...Screw the English I hope you get slaughtered by Brazil you pricks! So I guesss you could say Australians have felt disappointment at sport.

You know Australia are going to win? Theres the reason everyones pissed off with you.

Actually up until all these arrogant Aussies came about my respect for Australia was going. You have a few players who are nobs but apart from that i enjoyed watching them play.

you've had that much success that when on of your teams fail you've only got to turn to another of your teams.

Oh and good luck to all the Aussies but really you should have stayed up the night before to adjust better :p
Griffo said:
Dont hate the player, hate the game!!!
was that at me? If so what do you mean? I may have to get Phil Jaques to take you to the cleaners on ICC again :p
Hopin for some Murali-Malinga-Vass action tomorra. Backed up by a Sanath, Mahela, Kumar batting performace to clean off those arrogant aussies.
I dont know what it meant it just sounded cool OKAY FOXY YOU GOT ME!!!\

and I had first year derbys... i now have 2nd year derbys!!!
Sri Lanka's big name players have to perform. Big time. I would put Australia in, try and put them under some early pressure, but it will be hard considering there are next to no weaknesses in the Aussie batting line up. Keep them to under 270 and I reckon they will have a decent chance to chase that down.
Griffo said:
I dont know what it meant it just sounded cool OKAY FOXY YOU GOT ME!!!\

and I had first year derbys... i now have 2nd year derbys!!!
lol if we're posting things that sound cool,Australias fans have been too arrogant and England have been awarded the world cup :p I think most neutrals wanted Sri Lanka anyway tbh. Australia are obvious favourites but why their fans are disrespecting the Sri Lankan players so much by saying they've got no chance is beyond me. I think we could have one of the closest finals in years
Hooper said:
I know Australia is going to win, just look at the stats, form and the players in our team compared to Sri Lanka!? All-Round we have the right to be confident and look at the odds, pretty long odds for Sri Lanka, considering its the FINAL!
It's not about whether Australia is going to win or not but the way you present yourself as an Australian fan. Every fan has the right to brag when their team is doing well but the way most Australian fans seem to go about it is pretty pathetic. I certainly hope that PC isn't a good sample of the Australian cricket fan population (given that there are so many kids here) because I would be pretty aghast if there was not a significant portion of your fan-base that walked on the ground rather than in the clouds.

Cricketman93 said:
Hopin for some Murali-Malinga-Vass action tomorra. Backed up by a Sanath, Mahela, Kumar batting performace to clean off those arrogant aussies.
Cheers. ;) It'll be an 8 AM start for me.
Leicester Fox said:
Australia are obvious favourites but why their fans are disrespecting the Sri Lankan players so much by saying they've got no chance is beyond me. I think we could have one of the closest finals in years

That is what I think could happen. Michael Clarke said Sri Lanka would have to play "out of their skin to win". When you go around saying things like that it you would look really foolish if you lose. My point is don't say anything stupid.
Clarke always goes around saying that. He said it in the CBS or C/H series where if Australia play their best it doesn't matter who the opposition picks or if they turn up.

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