What are the first games you will play on Bradman 14?

Okay I have a huge question!

Say I want to play in another era like the 70's (Ross said something about this):spy
Will there be rosters in place for 1970 Pakistan or 1970 West Indies
Because that feature really intruiges me :)

Not the right thread (there is a Q&A) but in Cricket Academy there have already been many classic players created and probably some classic teams will follow.
So I've already created my weekend park cricket side and will be touring SAF.. Once I'm comfortable with the mechanics of the game first, of course..

Can't wait to see how the boys stack up against the best in the world, especially considering how good a job Israr has done with the South African side!

But also hanging to start career mode...... TOO MUCH CHOICE!!
I will play in the nets at third or fouth difficulty level then play a game on the hardest to get my butt kicked for once.:thumbs
I will first try out the nets followed by a couple of t20s. Then i will play a test to test out the AI to see whether it is any good to keep things enjoyable. And if it is...i will be setting up a test championship tournament between south africa, england, australia and india.
I'll dive into the nets first. Then I'll get into an ODI and do a Misbah-esque innings at the top to get my hold on running between the wickets, dealing with the new ball and defending a total :D

Then, maybe a couple of T20s and then straight to the career mode! ;)

P.S: Can't wait :(
Use the career mode.First time i am going to experience such a thing in my most favourite sport.Then play test matches in my home Chepauk,Chennai.
Is anyone else looking forward to losing? To be beaten by an ai that bowls/bats/fields intelligently sends chills up my spine.

I'm with you on that one. My first 'play' will be to dive deep into the 'be a legend' mode since that, like Matt said, feels like the most organic way to learn how the game controls, feels, the ins-and-outs of gameplay and gives the freedom to make mistakes and so on as art imitating life in a way. Then I suppose next would be NZ v England in a Test at Lords (or the equivalent) to as you said, hopefully lose to the AI...

But definitely the 'Legend' mode will be the first comprehensive exploration that I'll be doing.
Nets to get used to new mechanics then may be I will try and get an online game with any of great folks here.
SA vs India Test series...SA being the home team on pitches which look like the Amazon Rainforest. :lol:clap
1.Will get use to, to the controls through net practice.

2. Will create a series of 3 test, 5 ODI and 2 T20 (India Vs Random team)

3. Tri-series of ODI matches. (India Vs two random teams)

4. Five match test series.
Finally once confidence is up, then will start with carrier mode...:cheers
Despite being an Englishman I was thinking of playing a few games as the Aussies 1st up. Their current squad has right and left arm quicks and can include an offie a leggie and an SLA so could be good for getting a feel of all the different bowling styles in a game situation.
Plus if you lose every game when you are first getting used to the controls it won't have much impact on the sides stats and general performance levels. :D

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