Your Cricket Which Bat do you have???

Which bat do you have???

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I'm looking forward to the start of my winter nets at Sherwood CC. Is anyone else prepared for the winter nets? I'm already replacing my grip on my bats with pink ones!

I think I've gone a bit camp since I see Andrew Symonds..
Just too k off the stickers on my v800 that i don't use (lol in like the 3 months i'm in India :p) and put some sweet MRF ones :)
If i ever move to a cricket-playing nation i want to get a Kookaburra beast, the one that Hussey used to use before the ban thing.
I've currently got a Kookaburra Blade. Not bad and it does the job but I need something with a bit more meat.
I've been looking closely at the Willow Wizard "Wand". You basically have the bat custom made. Beautifully made but not sure I can justify the cost just yet.
i used to use a gray nicolls spyda but now i am about to buy a kookaburra diablo fury off my mates bro. The bast has awesome meat.
*puts on quagmire voice* OOo right giggity giggity goo *end quagmire voice* my woodworm has come !!!! OMFG. It feels so nice and light and swingable, i love it, looks gorgeous aswell. Cant wait to use it, hope my dad can take me to practise some time this week as its along wait until next sunday :P. It's in Harrow size so its abit smaller than my Slazenger but only by about an inch, feels so much smaller though. Feels really quite nice though, well glad i got it. Was abit dissapointed when i got it out of the box as it felt really small but then when i compared it to my slazenger it wasnt that small at all. I am very happy with my choice :D
Cricketman93 said:
If i ever move to a cricket-playing nation i want to get a Kookaburra beast, the one that Hussey used to use before the ban thing.

The Beast is an awesome piece of equipment ( I have one ) but I doub't you'd find one as I do believe they are discontinued completely ( I stand to be corrected) the other option is a 2nd hand Beast, but anyone who realises the value of the bat wouldn't part easily with it.
Maxkarter said:
The Beast is an awesome piece of equipment ( I have one ) but I doub't you'd find one as I do believe they are discontinued completely ( I stand to be corrected) the other option is a 2nd hand Beast, but anyone who realises the value of the bat wouldn't part easily with it.

Pretty sure it still exists. There were certainly some in my local store the last time I went.
stevie said:
Pretty sure it still exists. There were certainly some in my local store the last time I went.

They way I understood, he is referring to ther banned graphite version. I havn't seen any since I bought mine a year ago, but the normal 'legal' ones still exist.

Altho he could be referring to the Beast as it is.
i have lots off bats and i have knocked them all they are with full stroke.................
the one i use in matches is MALIK PRINCE............i do also play with another bat but cant remember the name and i took the sticker off the bat..................i think it was something like MONTY
I've got a V389 Pro. Cost me 425 bucks.
Had a 2 outdoor and indoor sessions with my Woodworm Torch, feels really nice, annoyingly the grip and face of the bat are abit dirty, due to the outdoor net i go to to practise with my dad. Just ordered a lime green grip for it, which should make it look nice again.

Just wondering, how easy is it to apply and remove batting grips ? Will i need a certain tool to apply it ?

You dont need any tools all you is roll up the grip and then put the other 1 on the handle or ask someone to do it for you
Bit of help here people

Hey guys,
Im new to cricket played it at school a bit but didnt really take an interest till recently.
Was wondering what kind of bat i should get? The prices vary so much, is it nessercary to spend so much. Are there things i should be looking for in a bat? Ive no idea really, quite like this Cricket Bat (Newbery series 1)
Id be grateful of any help
If your now starting out you do not need to spend that much on a bat, i only spent ?40 on my first bat, a Woodworm Torch (size harrow), 1 size too small but it feels pretty comfortable. Check, they have a good range of cheaper bats but from the top makes aswell.

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