End Game White House Mafia - El Loco & The Deadman win

I tried to shoot Rudolph too on one of the other nights but he had a bullet proof vest.
Just to reiterate it if I can't make it any clearer.
This message is directly aimed at either @AliB or @The Deadman. You shoot Simon and I will shoot Rudolph, and then we lynch President Evil tomorrow. Last thing I want is for this to screw up because of miscommunication :p
Keep me alive please. I want to go the honorable way. :lol[DOUBLEPOST=1503157707][/DOUBLEPOST]
You shouldn't have vetoed El Loco , but we all make mistakes :-)

Yeah, I regret it a lot. We'd have won if I hadn't. :(
I based it on the "fact" that there wasn't factional kill. I wasn't sure about El Loco and PE, and I'd rather have a watcher alive than a VT dead in that situation.
Keep me alive please. I want to go the honorable way. :lol[DOUBLEPOST=1503157707][/DOUBLEPOST]

Yeah, I regret it a lot. We'd have won if I hadn't. :(
I based it on the "fact" that there wasn't factional kill. I wasn't sure about El Loco and PE, and I'd rather have a watcher alive than a VT dead in that situation.
I'm keeping PresidentEvil alive as a gesture of goodwill because I counterclaimed him. I think you deserve to die because you believed the absolute bs that was my claim (I've never chatted so much crap over such a long period of time :p) and dumped the town in it :p

I also initially counter-claimed under the assumption that both Mafia factions had mutual win-cons and that the other guys would stick for me, but I was wrong in both cases. But it kind of worked out in the end though, just not in the way I envisioned.
I think you deserve to die because you believed the absolute bs that was my claim (I've never chatted so much crap over such a long period of time :p) and dumped the town in it :p
Actually I realise this is a bit of an unfair thing to say because I did put a bit of effort into my claim so it does reflect in the fact that it gave you doubts, but it is ultimately on you at the end of the day.
I've never chatted so much crap over such a long period of time

I read over that like 3 times and thought no way is this real. Two things that made me play it "safe" were PE's defense and the fact that I saw Ali around you. The last bit especially threw me off. But yeah, mistake it was.
That's hammer.

@swacker is dead.

It is now night. Night people do your thing.
You shall not post! (Read that as Gandalf)

(I'll edit this with flavour when I'm a little more lucid. - Or if you want to CK... Im coming off an all nighter haha)
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