Right some learning points for you which you can all choose to ignore...
1. Role claiming - the two players who are (or should be) safe from being lynched are the Cop and Doctor. They role claim by telling the other players in the game what their role is. This is not advised on day 1 as then the mafia will know who to target at night but is essential at LyLo (see above) where the town need as much information as possible to lynch correctly.
2. Quick-hammering - in any given situation the mafia usually only need one or two townies to vote with them. This is why vanilla townies are so important. If you lynch rather than FOS you may be allowing the mafia to quick-hammer.
3. Defence - anyone is who is close to being hammered should be allowed to defend themself. This may be as simple as pointing out the scummy behaviour of others or more importantly it may give them the chance to role claim. Not allowing players a defence only helps the mafia (especially in games where roles aren't revealed on death).
4. Tells - this is the hardest but most important part of the game; figuring out who is mafia based not on guesswork but on their play. The most common mafia tell is knowing more than you should. Others include not contributing to discussion to fly under the radar. A third is allowing others to make all the running on challenging and FOSing people. I would urge all new players, if they have the time, to read some of the older games firstly not knowing who the mafia are and trying to tell and secondly reading them once they know who the mafia are. Start by re-reading this game and trying to find hints that Blitzberg and Anish/Simon were mafia. All of the experienced mentors picked something as a tell on Blitzberg. That said it's easy to appear scummy (Aditya has made a career of it) when you are in fact town and that can result in your play being hard to read (or you getting lynched off a lot).