Windows Vista is annoying me

u'r kiddin right??

what r u pressing??


This is the combination... this works both in Vista and XP... (probably also in win 9x)...
Vista Startup Probs..

On my new laptop I'm getting alot of errors when trying to start up my computer.
First it opened (by itself) StartUp repair or something. Then it said the repair was unsucsessfull.
Then i turn off the comp by pressing the botton and restart. It opened the welcome screen but its just a big black screen after that-won't open my "profile".
Anuy help would be greatly appreciated.
this is probably due to a fault with the graphics driver. It happened with me once... i had to reformat and reinstall the OS...

tell me one thing, if a black screen comes, u are not able to do anything?? Restarting is the only solution left with you?

Did u install vista on your own, or was it pre-installed?? if u did it on your own, then there may be a driver issue, if it was pre-installed, imo, the drivers should be up to date (hopefully).

Try starting in Safe Mode a few times, then to normal mode. Maybe that can do the trick...
In safe mode, remove all items from startup, coz some program may be conflicting with the starting up of windows...

Let me know if it works...
Hey guys, I'd like to know if that trick with the registery actually works? I have upgraded my xp computer to vista ultimate (dual boot), but because my graphics card is only intel 910gl, it looks like vista basic.
If your graphics card does not support Aero, no registry trick will make it work.

You should upgrade your graphics card to enjoy the full benefits of Vista Ultimate.

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